Saturday, October 23, 2010


Those of you who know me very well know that I LOVE really random things. I like to go places that others would normally assume are boring, awkward, or a waste of time. I view most of those things as a way to meet interesting people and act ridiculous without caring about what any of the people around you think about your behavior.

I have wanted to go to the Branson Scenic Railway since I was 12 years old. I very vividly remember the first time I saw it. I had gone to Branson early for Thanksgiving with my grandparents and they took me downtown to see the thrift shops and the five and dime. While we were down there we passed the train, my Grandpa commented on the train and I knew I had to go on it someday. I wanted to ride that train and I wanted to do it in the fall when I could admire all of the beautiful trees. Many moons have passed (12 years to be exact), but last weekend I went on that train and it was so fun.

I took one of the ladies from my office and we made a whole day of it. We went to the Landing, got our shop on, ate at Cantina Laredo then went to buy our tickets for the train. The train was cute and very old school, which I loved, and we made our way down to Arkansas and back. The trees were all changing and we had 2 hours to just talk and relax.

I love being able to make childhood dreams come true. These things might seem silly, but every time I get to do something that I had wished about it makes me so happy and proud. As a budding adult I can go after my long term dreams of being a successful business woman without forgetting the joys of being a kid and dreaming about silly and wonderful things. Life is about the journey-- So I say ALL ABOARD! Join me on this crazy trip!

This is part of the view-- So pretty

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