Monday, March 4, 2013

So ready for the Spring


Winter is pretty, don't get me wrong, but I am so ready for all the awesomeness spring brings.  To celebrate Spring I am going to make a list of a few of my very favorite spring things.

1. Beautiful flowers: Both of these types of flowers remind me of such sweet memories from my childhood and my happy years at Evangel. Seeing them pop up always brings a smile to my face and reminds me about some very charming moments from many moons ago.

2. Pretty Spring Dresses: I love the ruffles, the bright colors, the feel, I LOVE happy spring dresses. After months of wearing dress pants and 150 layers to keep warm. Shed the layers and feel like a sassy MS Thang in a fun dress. Just what the doctor ordered.
3. Pedicure time: Feet-- its time to get in sandals that means you need to get it together and look adorable. Pedicures are so relaxing. I love to sit in the massage chairs, read a magazine, and then get your toes done.  THE BEST!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Quest 1: To obtain the whitest smile in all the land.....

Earlier this week I went to a Women in Communications luncheon. It was really awesome to meet other women who are not only in my field, but holding positions of power in male dominated fields.  Don't even get me started on this topic-- because that would take all day long. It suffices to say, they are seriously cool chicks!  Afterwards I inquired of the speaker for this session- What would you suggest for someone who is early in their career to do to set themselves up for success?

Find a mentor and see what the people you want to be like:what do they look like, what do they do that sets them up for success, and how do they react to situations... then you emulate them.
So, now I am on a quest, to intentionally work on setting up practices to make myself successful. We are starting with something easy to gain some momentum. This first quest. WHITE TEETH. I don't normally have gross teeth, in fact I have nice teeth. Something I noticed though, while I was at this luncheon is that these women had unbelievable white teeth. Now, I am sure they spend big bucks to get them that way, but I am on a quest to find some more budget friendly things that I can do to obtain an extra beautiful smile.

I went to pinterest to help me, because this is the best way to find budget friendly solutions for basically everything. One of the first things I found was a ton of people suggesting peroxide. Everybody has a huge bottle of that stuff, and you use it 1 every 5 years when you get a cut. They suggest using it as a mouth rinse and that will help keep teeth white.

 Below is a link describing one girls plan that I will implement

I have done this before and it actually works really well.  Just make sure you do this on occasion, because apparently it can be too harsh on teeth.

Honestly, it just seems like a very adult habit to have. I floss normally about 1-2 a month. So, now I am on board to get serious about having beautiful chompers.

I know this is rather silly to be so intentional about something so trivial as white teeth, but I figure every step you take to try to improve yourself is a good thing.  More quest info and thoughts about life to come.

Nailed it- an ode to awesome nails via pinterest

1. So cute. Who doesn't love sparkly toes.

2. I love these colors, and it is a way to have nail art without looking crazy, or like a middle school girl.