Wednesday, August 8, 2012

25 things about me

1. What time did you go to bed last night and were you alone? Midnight. I am trying to get better at going to bed earlier, so believe it or not this is better. I was alone.

2. If you could be given ANY gift what would it be? I would like a surprise.

3. What was the last film that really moved/disturbed/thrilled you and why? I watched this documentary children of hitler documentary. These people's stories and journey is incredible.
4. What is your favourite TV show of all time ie you've seen them all, can watch it over and over again and quote lines from it? Gilmore Girls

5. Whats your favourite way to wake up and whats the first thing you do? I like waking up on my own with the sunshine making the room look peaceful. Honestly, probably go to the bathroom and survey what all I need to do to start getting ready.

6. What would you call yourself if you could choose your own name? Tanzey

7. If you had to do a bushtucker challenge (you have to eat insects/grubs etc) what would be the worst thing you had to eat? I think anything stinky would be a no go.

8. Whats the worst/most embarrassing CD/Album you've ever owned and do you still have it?The most embarrassing would be one of my Carmen Yo kidz cd's. They were awesome when I was a kid.

9. what would be your dream vehicle (bikes, cars, boats, batcar and millenium falcon is allowed!)? I honestly don't have a dream car. I just like shiney cars.

10. Whats your favorite fantasy people sandwich? I literally have no idea what this means... haha

11. What characteristics do you dislike in yourself? I need to learn to be more mellow. I am rather intense.

12. Your favourite item of clothing and why? I love a good ruffley neck dress. It can be dressy or casual, and it is cute.

13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be and who would it be with?Bora Bora. I would love to take a trip with my best pals-- I think it would be awesome.

14. If you could have any animal/creature, What would be your ultimate pet be? I really want a pet otter. They are so adorable!

15. What did you want to be when you were little and do you think you ever will be? I wanted to be marine biologist. No, I don't think I will ever do that. I am obsessed with fish and aquatic life though.

16. Whats the next planned event you're looking to in your life? Next week I am going to San Diego for a work trip. I've never been there before and I'm really looking forward to it. I love a plane trip to something new.

17. What were you doing before you started this? Watching Chelsea Lately

18. What was the last thing you ate that you really shouldn't of ? I ate a really delicious burger for lunch.

19. If you were an ice cream/haagen daz/ben an jerrys flavour what would you be? butter pecan

20. Who was the last person you spoke to that you didnt want to talk to? A girl in the bath shop would not stop talking to me.

21. What was your favorite toy as a child . . .and now? I loved this set of child dishes and a mini kitchen.

22. When was the last time you cried laughing and why? I was talking to Jessica on the phone the other day and got to laughing.

23. What is stashed under your bed/mattress?I have a trundle bed, so under there is another bed.

24. What did you dream about last night? I dreamed about going to a trip in Austin, TX.

25. What are you really afraid of? Something bad happening to me in my apt and no one finding me until it is too late.

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