Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Weekly inspiration- See the beauty that surrounds you

This week my goal has been to try to see things with a fresh perspective. I think it gets easy to be bored with the status quo of your life. So, this week I have tried to see the beauty that surrounds me in all of its forms. Not only the pretty weather we have been having here in Springfield, but the beautiful and inspiring people that I call my loved ones. Your kindness, generosity, sense of humor, and character inspire me every day. Take a little time to see the beauty that God has placed for us to enjoy!

Lots of love,

Am I addicted to my iphone?

I got an iphone about 6 months ago and really like it. Before I got my iphone I had a blackberry which I liked until it started randomly calling people on its own. Everyone told me that I would just melt over the iphone, that I would become one of those crazy people who could not put their phone down. I quickly told them that I simply am not one of those people. I am not obsessed with getting the newest shinest toy, its just not my style.


Today I accidentally left my phone at my house when I left for work. I realized this shortly after I got there, but thought it was no big deal-- because how many personal calls do I get during the day anyways.  So, I went along my day.  I realized that randomly I would reach for my phone to check twitter or facebook while my computer was getting worked on-- only to realize that it was not there. I did this often enough that it made me realize how much I use my phone to do so many things. My phone holds more that just phone numbers: I have videos and pictures of my niece and nephew, tons of music, my facebook and twitter account, my shopping list, and so much more. I will admit I was able to continue my day and I did not convulse because my iphone was not attached to my hand, but it made me realize how things become so ingrained in your daily routine without you even realizing it.

So, iphone. Thanks for keeping me in the loop about all of my favorite things-- but in the meantime I now know I need to be more aware of how I spend my time and my energy. Invest in people not things.

Lots of love,

Weekly obsessions

1.I heard this song last week on the British station with Sirius radio. This song makes me want to jazzercise and spin around. I have been listening to this non-stop when I go for my evening walks. LOVE it!

2. Can we just talk about how good the Britney Spears themed episode of Glee was? SO GOOD! I feel like we all grew up with Britney Spears and so it was kind of nice to know all of the songs they were singing and seeing Mr. Schue get his groove on wasn't too shaby eithier. I have some very fond memories of dancing to some Britney Spears songs. I think my favorite is her song- Do something. My roomate in college, Ronnie, would always do the best dances to that song. I don't care if we were fighting, having a bad day, or anything else-- when that song came on we morphed into a ridiculous dancing world that always made me laugh. Another funny one was when the new Britney Spears album came out about 3 years ago I went at midnight with a friend and then took his picture of him getting the album. He was just so excited, and it just makes me smile that music can do that for people. What is your favorite Britney song?

3. FALL--I love you fall, you are the best! I am excited about the leaves changing, eating pumpkin rolls and carmel apples, going on hayrides, wearing my super cute cardigans and jackets, and all the fall adventures that are on their way!

5 and 5- If you don't write it down, it does not exist

This week in our sales meeting we had a discussion about goals, since I work for a sales organization this is a fairly common topic, but for some reason this week's discussion really got me thinking. As part of the exercise, this week we have to write down 5 personal goals and 5 professional goals. I have found myself randomly thinking about that this week, and finding myself stumped. I love lists-- why is this so hard for me to write down my goals. I am beginning to realize that to me these things are so hidden that I am almost afraid to tell them to anyone because I don't want anyone to squash them. Don't you just hate it when you have some good news or somehting you are excited about and the person you are telling it to, just shuts you down or makes you feel ridiculous. That is the worst!

So, I have been pondering my goals and thinking about the next steps for me on this wacky journey called life. I am slowly figuring out what I do want based on what I don't want. So I have formed a small list of things that I know I don't want right now. *DISCLAIMER* This is not saying that I do not ever want these things or if you do want these things that you are wrong. I believe all of these things can be great I just know that this is not what I want at this mid-twenties stage.

1. No BABIES- I recently when to a baby shower for a friend who is only a year older than myself and I was blown away! As mentioned in my previous blog posting-- I am not ready for mini Ashley's. Plus-- the whole I am not married thing might have a little something to do with that too ;).

2. I don't want to do a job based on its pay. I know I can make a lot of money doing sales, but at the end of the day that is not where  I find my bliss. I love having a creative outlet. I know I am supposed to be in advertising, but I refuse to play games to be successful. I want to create beautiful and effective marketing and advertising pieces for businesses. I am still trying to parlay that into a career, but I have decided this week after helping with a commercial shoot for one of our AE's that I could and would be really great as a creative director. Who knows kids-- I might be the next Don Draper off of Mad Men ( wait, that might not be the best thing-- Don Draper without the booze and floozie issues)

The list continues, and I don't want to bore you anymore with my ramblings, but I encourage you this week to make your 5 and 5 list with me and search yourself for what you really want. After you deciede that go out there and get it! You are a truly beautiful and unique creation that God made to serve him and serve others-- so go do your thing! Make me proud


Last weekend: Seriously Moms- you are amazing

Last weekend I had the privelage to help my Mom and Dad babysit my nephew and niece. My Dad had recently hurt his shoulder and I knew that my Mom could use the help and I enjoy seeing the kiddos so I headed to good ole Greenville to hang out with the parental units and the kids-- if I had only known what was in store...

Meet Miss Audrey Brooks- She is almost 3 and is way too smart for her own good. She likes to tease people and has more energy than should be allowed in one person. She is ridiculously cute though-- and she has her aunt Ash wrapped around her little finger. Her favorite things at the moment are Barbie movies (yes I watched about 3 on loop the entire weekend) and playing on playgrounds. I love this little bundle of energy and sass!
Now I would like you to meet my nephew Aiden. He is 7 months and one of the best babies I have ever seen. While Audrey is extremely dramatic and energetic, Aiden is the ultimate picture of the ultimate chill dude. He is VERY smiley, which I love, and loves music. He adores my niece and will sympathy cry when she gets really upset. Over the weekend he definately became an Ash's boy. Meet the handsome Mr. Aiden.

The real drama greeted me at 9:00 sharp on Saturday morning. I awoke to hear my niece screaming bloody murder and jumped out of the bed to investigate the situation. As I open the door I see both my niece and my dad in a pile on the floor. Apparently my dad had tripped over her and they both fell... at least I think it was something like that. So, I check and make sure my dad is ok and go track down my niece. Audrey had run off and was wailing under the dining room table. So, I crawl under there and scoop her up and try to hug her and wipe the tears. As I walk into the living room I find my mom and she is holding my nephew. So, she hands me Aiden and I give her Audrey to consol. I sit down with Aiden, who promptly wipes his very snotty baby nose all over my t-shirt that I had worn to bed. He then smiles at me and with both of his hands grabs my face and laughs. I look at the clock-- It is offically 9:03 and I have already had a very full day!

The weekend went well, it was a constant state of feed a kid, clean a kid, try to get a kid to sleep, pick them up, and do it all again. I have babysat a lot in my life and always been around kids, but I had no idea the constant craziness that mothers deal with everyday. I loved every minute I spent with my niece and nephew, but I found myself longing for my quiet Friday night blockaded in my apartment watching a movie by myself. It made me appreciate all those working mom's-- you ladies are FAR better than I. So, to you all I say-- DEAR MOMS-- You ARE amazing!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My weekly OMG MOMENTS!

 I had several OMG moments this week-- I consider an OMG moment as when somehting so faboulous of awe inspiring happens you either can only say OMG or you can only squeak out random noises and shrieks.

MOMENT 1-Sunday night I was flipping through the channels when I stumbled on Cinderella playing on BET. I LOVE this movie. I remember when this movie first came on ABC Sunday movie when I was a kid- Whitney Houston is PERFECTION in this movie. Pre-crack Whitney is the best! I also remember back in the day thinking the Asian prince was a cutie! It made me laugh how as soon as I saw  this movie I instantly became 10 years old again. Enjoy this clip of Whitney and Brandi singing Impossible.

MOMENT 2-As I have told you before, I am addicted to twitter. This week I was checking my twitter feed when I saw that Dolly Parton (yes I follow Dolly Parton on twitter, don't act surprised) had a tweet reminding us that the musical 9-5 will be coming to St. Louis in February so don't forget to buy tickets. --HEART POUNDS-- SOUNDS VANISH-- and then I FREAK OUT! I shriek like a crazy lady. 9-5! Dolly! St. Louis!! OMG!!!!! People, 9-5 is easily one of my favorite movies of all times and St. Louis is only about 3 hours from where I live. THIS HAS GOT TO HAPPEN! Plus, it starts playing the day after my birthday-- if this is not a sign. I don't know what would be one. So, enjoy the clip below!

MOMENT 3/4-I got to skype with my 2 favorite Overseas pals. Meagan and Jade- it was so nice to talk to you! Dear Skype-- thanks for creating a way to talk to ones I love that are very far away from my face, but near my heart! LOVES!

 Did you have an OMG moment this week?

Every little thing is gonna be alright

When I saw this I instantly fell in love. I just love the isimple phrase: that every little thing is gonna be alright. It reminds me of the verses in the Bible that talk about how God dresses the lillies in the field and cares for the birds, and how he cares so much for me. It is a great reminder that even when I feel out of control and like I am going in about 100 different directions that as long as I keep my eyes focused on what God wants than I have nothing to fear. Being in my early/mid-twenties I feel like I constantly learning new things and as an adult I should be in charge of my destiny-- even thought I feel like a giant mess! It is good to be reminded that I am God has a time and a place for everything. The job, the life, the husband, and the future family is beyond my realm of comprehension... but he knows and what he has is good. My creto for now: I will joyously live this season of my life, and not try to rush anything.

My adventure with the PBR: A review of Ashley adventures

I would like to start this post by being very honest. I have never had a thing for cowboys! Apparently, this is not normal. Earlier last week we were having an office discussion about cowboys and the professional bullriding event coming to town. The ladies were oohing and ahhing about how they were excited and I mentioned my feelings about cowboys which left the room momentarily silent. I quickly mentioned, even thought I am a huge cowboy fan I would like to see bullriding because I have always wanted to go to a rodeo. After some discussing I was convinced to go to the PBR event So, this last weekend I the Professional Bullriding event on Saturday night with Shelley. Those of you who know me know that I love really random things like this. So, PBR here I come!

As we walked towards the arena I hear the song "Save a horse ride a cowboy" and I instanly knew it was all going to be ok, and this would be a memorable experience. The whole night was a lot of fun! The cowboys were so talented and regardless of your knowledge of the sport, you have to give these brave boys props. Those bulls are freakin enormous and they are being thrown around--its so crazy! So-- my suggestion is if you ever get the chance to go to something like that, do it! It was really random, but very fun!

Things I am Obsessed with this week!

Whip my Hair- Willow Smith
I heard this song the other day in the car--- ooohhh I almost stopped the car so I could properly shake my goodies. I don't even care if this girl is 9-- this song is FIERCE and I know my gays are gonna be working it out to this soon!

I am so glad that this show is back! That Amber girl is beyond terrific!

Somebody to love- Justin Bieber ft Usher
I love this version. SO good- Usher is sexy!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Oprah's getting to know you questions.

Oprah suggested these getting to know you questions: some of these are really thought provoking!

Who was your favorite celebrity as a child?
I loved anything that involved the disney network.

What type of pets do you have?
I have fish at work and at home.

What is your favorite color?
I love black, teal, and red.

What is most memorable about your high school years?
I met some really great people that I am still friends with. I had some really silly adventures in my high school years.

What word describes you best?

What is your greatest accomplishment?
Living by myself, paying my bills, and being a productive member of society 2 months after I graduated from college.

What drives you every day?
Doing my best  to make the world around me a little better and waiting to see what adventure will greet me that day.

What is your favorite food?
I really love chinese food.

What is your business goal this year?
Learn as much as I can, stop sweating the small stuff, and remember that God has a reason why I am where I am.

Where do you like to vacation?
I just love to vacation in general.

Who do you admire?
I admire people who work hard to get where they are and live a life of character. I respect and admire people like that.

What is your mission?
To love God and love people a little more everyday.

What traits in others are you attracted to?
I like people who are kind, happy, and outgoing

How do you want to be remembered?
I want to be remembered as a woman who made a difference in the lives of those around me. A person always there to greet you with a smile and a kind word.

You have a 10 minute speech to give at a high school, what is it about?
I would tell high school students to find something to be passionate about and follow it. Don't be afraid to try things that scare you-- life is scary but worth the risk!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Love Songs--

For some reason today I was thinking about love songs! Maybe it is because I really love the fall and I have always thought that if I ever fall in love it would be in the FALL. It is just such a magical time of the year so to celebrate I am sharing with you today a few of my favorite love songs. Enjoy!

I love EVERYTHING about this video and song. I heard it one day on my way to work and it is just so sweet, then I saw this video and it only warmed my little cold dead heart even more. It's a good one!

Ok, a couple of weeks I heard this song when I was on my Flight of the Conchords fix. For some reason, I feel like if I ever had a love song written for me, it would go a little something like this. I don't know why I love it so much, but it makes me smile everytime I hear it!

This is one of my favorite love songs to Jesus. It is super old, but everytime I listen to this song it reminds me how much God loves and how little I give him in return. At the core of my being I want to live a life that reflects his overwhelming love. This is a love song for a savior ( on a much less holy moment-- check out the zexy sweaters these boys are rocking-- WOH)

I love this song so much (Shout out Aretha--  see you in OCT) and I LOVE this movie. This is one of my favorite movie scenes of all times.

25 things about me--

2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?  Yesterday. I watched this really sweet part of TLC-Say Yes t the Dress Atlanta. This lady who was a breast cancer survivor was wedding dress shopping with her 6 best friends. She found her perfect dress but it was $400 dollars over budget and her friends saw how sad that it made her and paid the difference. They were all crying and saying how glad they were that she had survived and it was just the sweetest thing!
7. DO YOU USE SARCASM ALOT? No... Ok, yes I LOVE sarcasm.
8. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? No, had them out when I was 2.
9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? I think I would.
12. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? I am a tough broad.
13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Cookies n creme or butterpecan.
15. RED OR PINK? Red
16. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? I miss all kinds of people...

17. WHAT COLOR SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? I am shoeless right now.

18. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? I ate some left over soup from Thai Peppers

21. FAVORITE SMELLS? Gardenia, cookies, and sexy colognes.

22. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? Some crazy lady who called into work
23. MOUNTAIN HIDEAWAY OR BEACH HOUSE? Eithier. I love the mountains, but beaches and water are pretty awesome. I just LOVE getaways.
24. HAIR COLOR? Brown

25. EYE COLOR? Brown

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

okay people 5 months until I turn 25

Greetings friends and lovers!

As you all know I LOVE birthday's, and for some reason yesterday I started thinking about the one I have coming up (5months from today that is) and it is a BIG one. I will be 25! For some reason, I really want to make this birthday extra special. I normally do a group dinner then a little something something afterwards, but I want this year to be different. I feel at this point in my life, I am out of the "just out of school" phase, and I am trying to figure out what is next in my life. So-- I would like to do something fun and a little ridiculous. I am still throwing around some ideas and I want to hear all of your suggestions--but here is what I am thinking

1. I want all of my favorite faces there:  Ok out of town loves-- that means YOU! GET here and I will find someplace for you to stay! I just really want my loves from my different worlds all in one place to help me usher in this milestone! (ps-- I want to see more than just the faces shown here. I had to edit)

2. VENUE- I want to have someplace where we can maybe have a private dancefloor and have a good time without having to worry about obnoxious drunkels! I am still working on that part-- Springfield kids-- you got any ideas?
I think we could all look a little something like the above picture.. don't you think?
3. I am thinking we do some random activities and eat cupcakes etc. I just want everyone to come have a good time and have all my people there. SO talk to me people! You got any good ideas?