Wednesday, September 29, 2010

5 and 5- If you don't write it down, it does not exist

This week in our sales meeting we had a discussion about goals, since I work for a sales organization this is a fairly common topic, but for some reason this week's discussion really got me thinking. As part of the exercise, this week we have to write down 5 personal goals and 5 professional goals. I have found myself randomly thinking about that this week, and finding myself stumped. I love lists-- why is this so hard for me to write down my goals. I am beginning to realize that to me these things are so hidden that I am almost afraid to tell them to anyone because I don't want anyone to squash them. Don't you just hate it when you have some good news or somehting you are excited about and the person you are telling it to, just shuts you down or makes you feel ridiculous. That is the worst!

So, I have been pondering my goals and thinking about the next steps for me on this wacky journey called life. I am slowly figuring out what I do want based on what I don't want. So I have formed a small list of things that I know I don't want right now. *DISCLAIMER* This is not saying that I do not ever want these things or if you do want these things that you are wrong. I believe all of these things can be great I just know that this is not what I want at this mid-twenties stage.

1. No BABIES- I recently when to a baby shower for a friend who is only a year older than myself and I was blown away! As mentioned in my previous blog posting-- I am not ready for mini Ashley's. Plus-- the whole I am not married thing might have a little something to do with that too ;).

2. I don't want to do a job based on its pay. I know I can make a lot of money doing sales, but at the end of the day that is not where  I find my bliss. I love having a creative outlet. I know I am supposed to be in advertising, but I refuse to play games to be successful. I want to create beautiful and effective marketing and advertising pieces for businesses. I am still trying to parlay that into a career, but I have decided this week after helping with a commercial shoot for one of our AE's that I could and would be really great as a creative director. Who knows kids-- I might be the next Don Draper off of Mad Men ( wait, that might not be the best thing-- Don Draper without the booze and floozie issues)

The list continues, and I don't want to bore you anymore with my ramblings, but I encourage you this week to make your 5 and 5 list with me and search yourself for what you really want. After you deciede that go out there and get it! You are a truly beautiful and unique creation that God made to serve him and serve others-- so go do your thing! Make me proud


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