Sunday, September 19, 2010

Oprah's getting to know you questions.

Oprah suggested these getting to know you questions: some of these are really thought provoking!

Who was your favorite celebrity as a child?
I loved anything that involved the disney network.

What type of pets do you have?
I have fish at work and at home.

What is your favorite color?
I love black, teal, and red.

What is most memorable about your high school years?
I met some really great people that I am still friends with. I had some really silly adventures in my high school years.

What word describes you best?

What is your greatest accomplishment?
Living by myself, paying my bills, and being a productive member of society 2 months after I graduated from college.

What drives you every day?
Doing my best  to make the world around me a little better and waiting to see what adventure will greet me that day.

What is your favorite food?
I really love chinese food.

What is your business goal this year?
Learn as much as I can, stop sweating the small stuff, and remember that God has a reason why I am where I am.

Where do you like to vacation?
I just love to vacation in general.

Who do you admire?
I admire people who work hard to get where they are and live a life of character. I respect and admire people like that.

What is your mission?
To love God and love people a little more everyday.

What traits in others are you attracted to?
I like people who are kind, happy, and outgoing

How do you want to be remembered?
I want to be remembered as a woman who made a difference in the lives of those around me. A person always there to greet you with a smile and a kind word.

You have a 10 minute speech to give at a high school, what is it about?
I would tell high school students to find something to be passionate about and follow it. Don't be afraid to try things that scare you-- life is scary but worth the risk!

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