Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 12: 20 NEW things about me

1. What time did you go to bed last night and were you alone?
I went to bed about 1ish, of course I was alone. Creeper...

2. If you could be given ANY gift what would it be?
Something creative that makes me happy. I am really easy to please, and I love it when people figure me out and surprise me with something so "Me."
3. What was the last film that really moved/disturbed/thrilled you and why?
  Nathan from work told me I should watch The Kite Rider. I knew nothing about that movie and when I watched it I cried like a crazy lady. That movie broke my heart in about a million different ways. I can not handle bad things happening to kids. Not cool.
4. What is your favourite TV show of all time ie you've seen them all, can watch it over and over again and quote lines from it? Gilmore Girls. I LOVE that show. My friends and I quote it all the time, and I feel very strongly about this show to the point of- if you like the show I will like you. If you can enjoy that level of pop-culture you can handle me.
5. Whats your favourite way to wake up and whats the first thing you do? Ideally... I wake up in the softest bed in the history of the universe and I wake up to see the sunshining. I wake up and greet the day.

6. What would you call yourself if you could choose your own name?
 Probably not, I really enjoy people with unusual or really cool name. Ashley is not that epic, but my mom tried. haha
7. If you had to do a bushtucker challenge (you have to eat insects/grubs etc) what would be the worst thing you had to eat?
I think I could do it-- I would not want to pick. I just don't lilke the idea of something really moving around before I ate it. That would freak me out!
8. Whats the worst/most embarassing CD/Album you've ever owned and do you still have it?  I love music. All music has a special place in my heart, even if it is ridiculous, I am used to people judging me. I just embrace it.

9. What would be your dream vehicle (bikes, cars, boats, batcar and millenium falcon is allowed!)? I really don't care about that kind of stuff. I just would want something pretty, shiney, and fast.

10. Whats your favourite fantasy people sandwhich?  I like the term sandwhich... haha. My perfect world would be Tim Gunn and Clinton Kelley. I would literally just die from awesomeness. If I had to pick a second sandwhich it would be Chelsea Handler and Kelly Clarkson. I seriously think I would have the best time with them.

11. What characteristics do you dislike in yourself? I am intense. I sometimes say things that are so mean, I don't mean to sound evil but it comes out and then later I feel horrible that pure evil vile ugliness came out of my mouth. I am working on it!

12. Your favourite item of clothing and why?  I seriously have a deep addiction to black dresses. They are timeless, they go with everything, and they are just my favorite. I have about 5 of them with different necklines. FAV!

13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be and who would it be with? I would really like to go to some place like Bali, you know those super cool island vacations where you sleep in cabana's in the water, scuba dive, and pamper yourself all day. I would go with the people I love! Maybe my future Boo-- the WOBS.. etc. It would be so fun!

14. If you could have any animal/creature, What would be your ultimate pet be?  I want a giant  wall-sized aquarium, I will fill it with all kinds of fish and stuff. It would be amazing!

15. What did you want to be when you were little and do you think you ever will be? I wanted to McGyver when I was a kid, and although I am not exactly like him. I am awfully handy to have around in a pinch because I have a lot of random knowledge and my giant purse is full of treasures. In a small way, I feel like I am there.

16. Whats the next planned event you're looking to in your life? I would love to know that myself. I have nothing planned.

17. What were you doing before you started this? Listening to 8675309/Jenny and playing tetris while watching Bethenny getting married?

18. What was the last thing you ate that you really shouldnt of ?
Tonight I ate jambalaya and then some ice cream. I feel that was a little much!

19. When was the last time you cried laughing and why?  I laughed while telling my mom a funny story about my day. I cried last weekend because I felt very overwhelmed and was so tired. I promptly ate something delicious and went to sleep.

20. What is stashed under your bed/mattress?
Oddly enough- another mattress. I have a trundle bed.



  1. Hey Ashley, I've been enjoying reading your blog! I just started one too, so it's interesting to see what other people write about. I had to comment tonight because I totally agree about Kite Runner. I could not stop thinking about it for days, it just kept coming back and making me sad. Also, I've actually been trying to cut back on the Gilmore Girl quotes, but everything reminds me of them :)

  2. Favorite Gilmore Girls quote: "The penal system is not something we enjoy. It's something with a name that makes us giggle." :)

    If only you had really been named Tallulah Mae... :)

    I laughed till I cried watching Project Runway last night. Tim Gunn's discussion of the party supply dress with "woolly animal balls" (the name on a package of brightly colored pompoms with animal faces) was hysterical. Seeing Tim Gunn get tickled is fun. :)

    I love this post. It made me smile several times. But I tend to smile when I think of you anyway. :)
