Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 5: The ABC's of Ashley

A - Age: 24

B - Bed size: Twin

C - Chore you hate: vaccuming- the noise makes me crazy

D - Pet(s) names: Home fish- Fernand, the boys-- other 3 fish. My work fish-- Finley

E - Essential start your day item: Music. It helps me start my day and plays as the soundtrack for my day!
F - Favorite color: I like bluish greens and red a lot.

G - Gold or Silver: gold

H - Height: 5' 8"

I - Instruments you play: back in the day i played the clarinet and basss clarinet.

J - Job title: Sales Assistant OnMedia

K - Kid(s): No.

L - Living arrangement: I live by myself in an cute little apartment.

M - Mom's name: Cynthia (Cindy)

N - Nicknames: Atan, Tanzey, Ash, Sunshine, Smashley, Lover, Mitzey Mcgee

O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: None yet... knock on wood.

P - Pet Peeve: I have a lot of pet peeves. Any behavior that is rude really bothers me-- the big one is people who make gross sounds when they chew. Sick!

Q - Quote from a movie: There's Hansel-- he's so hot right now!-Zoolander one of the most quotable movies of all times!

R - Right or left handed: Right

S - Siblings: Natalie Oliver and Kristin Brooks

T - Time you wake up: well my first alarm goes off at 6:15 which is my cellphone across my apartment- which plays 9-5 by Dolly Parton then I grab it and go back to sleep until my second alarm goes off at 6:45. It is like art form to get me awake.

U- Usual bedtime: midnightish. I am a night owl!

V - Vegetable you dislike: green peas

W - Ways/Reasons you run late: Everyone who knows me knows I am ALWAYS late, it is horrible. I am late because I honestly loose track of time in the morning and I often underestimate travel time.
X - X-rays you've had: My ankle and my foot

Y - Yummy food you make: I do comfort food well. In simple terms if it is bad for you or can be fried then I can rock it. haha Plus I can bake like nobody's business.

Z - Zoo animal you must see: I  LOVE aquariums-fish seals, and otters are just the cutest. I also like the Giraffe's a lot.
Have a great day friends! Ps- I LOVE this picture.

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