Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 13:Things I like this week

1.867-5309/Jenny- I forgot how much I love this song. Sometimes it comes on when I am in the car listening to Serius radio. I can not help but sing at the top of my lungs and dance along! SO GOOD!!

2. Going to see my friend Matt today-- it is time for our once a year face to face.

3. The other day this song came on the radio and it made me so happy. I love this song and remember the first time I heard it me and Laura were at Branson for Thanksgiving and started dancing around the room like crazy ladies. Girl-- you know I am doing just fine!

4. Gonna lay out in the SUNSHINE this weekend!

5. Finished reading the book The Carrie Diaries by Candace Bushnell. It was good, not her best work but very entertaining.  Anyone got any guilty pleasures poolside reading options?

OK GANG- Got a topic you want me to address? Let me know what you think-- Is anyone even reading this crazy thing.? Tomorrow I break down-- My BOOTY SHAKIN ANTHEMS OF THE SUMMER!


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