Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sick days--My little remedies

All week I have been feeling a little under the weather all week, but I tried to brush it off and continue on with my week. Finally, on Saturday night after church it found me. The sore throat, runny nose, aches... the whole deal. So, I have tried to just rest and start to medicate so I can be all healthy for my birthday next week. All of this has got me thinking about the little remedies that always make me feel better.  What are your sick day rituals? Besides medicine what tricks do you use to make yourself feel better?

Here are a few of my favorite things to do when I am sick to feel better-

1. BYE BYE BIRDIE- This is one of my favorite guilty pleasure movies of all time. I first got obsessed with this movie when I was 9. It came on tv shortly before I got sick and had to stay home a couple of days. I made my poor sister watch this at least 4 times. About a year I randomly found it again and saved on my DVR, so when I am feeling a little under the weather a little frivolous dancing and song warms my little cold dead heart!

2. TV Marathon- Depending on the year and the mood a good movie marathon is always a favorite of mine.
This time it was old school Gilmore Girls. I just love that show. I especially like it when Logan comes on the scene. I find him to be very charming and kinda of create a little edge to Rory's squeaky clean side.

I also love Ugly Betty-- I have the first season on DVD and whenever it is on I try to watch it, that show is heart warming, funny, and a little silly. Plus, for a long time I felt like my life was awkwardly resembling Betty's career, and that is always good when you can identify with a character.

3. I really love Campbell's chicken noodle soup. It brings me back to being a kid, plus it helps with the sore throat and runny nose. When I was a kid I used to eat chicken noodle soup every morning for breakfast.


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