Wednesday, March 30, 2011

See the good in all things!

The cutest little nugget in all the land

I took these videos last weekend of my nephew. I know I am rather partial, but I just think he is the cutest little thing. This is me bragging. So, watch my cute nephew will ya--


Mark it off-- #19 Bake from scratch a pie/bread/rolls.

 I can mark another item off of my list of 25 things to do while 25.  My friend Becca offered her amazing baking skills so I took her up on her offer and we scheduled a baking date. Check out the video below and find out why I picked this for my list.

#19 Bake from scratch a pie/bread/rolls.
Date: March 25, 2011
Where: My kitchen
Who did I participate with: The lovely Becca Jantz

Below are some of my favorite pictures from the night. The results were delicious and I am so glad I put this on my list and got to get my bake on.
Here I am working out my domestic goddessness!

Working that dough out!

The Cinnamon rolls we made, aren't the tiny rolls in heart shape container just the cutest thing.

Here are the final results. Don't they look delicious?
Not pictured- the AMAZING banana nut bread


Monday, March 21, 2011

Hello and goodbye!

Well, hello there theme song for the week. They played this tonight at Zumba and I just loved it!
Free to be me--Francesca Battistelli

Last night was the series finale of Big Love. It was so good. That show was so great! I have been a big fan of the show since season 1 so it was bitter sweet to have it go off the air. This is a special they did about the final episode and the series. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Daily Inspiration

I love myself some Benny Franks (a college joke) and when I saw this on Swiss Miss I loved it! Benny apparently loves lists and schedules as much as me and he loves to stay up late! I love the fact that he starts his day asking- What good shall I do this day and ends the day the same way. This is such a great piece inspiration. I hope you think this is as interesting as I do!


Kind of a Big Deal

Kind Of A Big Deal

Never despise small beginnings, and don’t belittle your own accomplishments. Remember them and use them as inspiration as you go on to the next thing. When you venture outside your comfort zone, wherever the starting point may be, it’s kind of a big deal.

- Chris Guillebeau, Kind Of A Big Deal

I just love this quote!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Good words, True words

Days are getting shorter:
“You do get to a certain point in life where you have to realistically, I think, understand that the days are getting shorter, and you can’t put things off thinking you’ll get to them someday. If you really want to do them, you better do them. There are simply too many people getting sick, and sooner or later you will. So I’m very much a believer in knowing what it is that you love doing so you can do a great deal of it.”
Nora Ephron
Film Director, Producer, Screenwriter, Novelist

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mark it off-- #18 Work at a soup kitchen

I have had several people ask me how I was progressing with my list of 25 things to do while 25, and before now I have not been able to mark anything off of my list. I have just been doing a lot of planning. I am very excited to announce I can mark off my first item off of my list. Scratch off number

18. Serve a meal at a soup kitchen.
Date: March 6, 2011
Where: Embasy Of Hope (1316 West Webster)
Who did I attend with: The lovely Becca Jantz

I have always wanted to volunteer for something like this, but so far most of the opportunities have always come at a bad time. I love people and I honestly believe we show our love for God by how we love those around us. I definitely have a heart for these kinds of ministries and was very excited about putting my faith into action.

I rode with Jantzey to the location and made her pose for this picture in the freezing cold so I would have proof that this happened. So, after we finally got my camera to cooperate she warned me of the craziness that would greet us as we entered the door. I happen to thrive on such an atmosphere so I was looking forward to it. As we walked in we greeted the ladies cooking the food in the kitchen, and met the man who organizes this ministry. As we walked into the main area I was surprised to already see a crowd of people sitting at the tables, especially since it was around 10:30 and lunch would not be served until noon or later.

We quickly went to work counting out bags that would be filled with groceries for those who came to the meal.  As we were doing so a random guy kept trying to chat me up, but I was having difficulty counting and focusing on what he was saying. Yes, he was trying to be flattering but it was a rather awkward way of doing it.  I just tried to be friendly but not too friendly, because I could tell the slightest bit of approval would only result in way more awkwardness than even I can handle. After we counted out the bags  and safely deterred my new friend, we then met for the volunteer meeting and got our assignments for the rest of the day. Jantzey and I agreed to be servers, so after the message we would help distribute the meat loaf, mash potatoes, gravy, and salad that was being prepared in the kitchen. After we left the meeting their was a short devotion and several people came up to be prayed for. It was such a neat atmosphere having the volunteers talking  and praying with the wide cast of characters that was assembled.

 After the meal we got everything set up to serve the meal. I got my cafeteria lady on and served the mashed potatoes and Jantzey expertly added the gravy. It was weird to see that quantity of any food, as I placed it on the plates after a while my mind could not even recognize that it was food. Who can imagine 50 lbs of potatoes, sorry that is a side note-- you get it there was a lot of potatoes and food. After the meal was served and everyone got seconds who wanted them we helped clean up and then prepared to give out the bags of groceries. As we handed out the groceries I smiled and talked with people as they waited their turn. There were so many really nice people and it made my heart glad that we could give them a little bit of help. After all the bags were handed out we picked up and headed out.

I am so glad that I was able to help this organization. It was a great experience and I think I liked so much I will try to do this once a month. I think it was nice to get out of my comfort zone and really focus on the greater good that is going on around me. I may just be one person, but God can take a willing heart and able body and use it to be an ambassador of God's love. 

Stay tuned as I mark more things off of my list. 25 is going to be a great year for me I can just feel it!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm so excited!

There are so many things coming up to be excited about. So, today I thought I would share 10 things that I am excited about most in March, but some extend a little longer!

10 reasons to be excited about March/Upcoming Events in Life

1. Next weekend I am going to my friend Jess Herring's wedding, and I am planning on spending time with these pretty faces

This picture is SO old. Hahaha. Hopefully we can take a more updated version soon.

2.  After Lately is premiering this weekend and I LOVE myself some Chelsea Handler. PLUS her new book is coming out in May-- Can you say POOLSIDE READING MUST>

3. This weekend I am volunteering with my friend Jantzey, and I am super excited! Pictures to come-- by the way that is the first thing on my 25 to do while 25 that I got to mark off!

4. Spring is almost here! That means pretty flowers, warm weather, and feeling frisky ;).

5. Some of my best pals in the world are having birthday's. So, in advance Happy Birthday-- Emily, Brittany, and Julie!

6. I am planning to buy my new fish Katy Couric!

7. I am ready to buy some fun new clothes, I don't know why but I am really ready to mix it up. I have been trying out new hairstyles and stuff. I have been thinking about it and I have decided to try and be more adventurous-- you are only young once! So, stay tuned for pictures.

8. I am starting a new important project. Investing in my future-- its exciting!

9. I seriously can't wait for the pool to open. I need some fresh rays and a ridiculous read ASAP!

10. My sisters and I are talking about having a mini Sister Spring Break trip, and I think it will be a lot of fun. We are needing something cheap and a good in between distance for us all so CHEERS to really random adventures with sisters!

What are you excited about these days?