Wednesday, October 6, 2010

So you fancy huh?

A couple of weeks ago we discussed making a promo for one of our Account Executives in Branson named Larry. As most of you know, I love doing creative projects like this-- and I recently decided I would love to do things like this as my "BIG KID" dream job. So, I helped write and come up with creative direction. Nate of course did the leg work and Larry did a good job. I am so proud of this little piece! It was a lot of fun, and during production included Larry having to put the microphone down his pants. Which then spurned the catchphrase. "Don't be nervous, you look great especially for a guy with a mic down his pants!"  Check it out. An OnMedia production--with a little Atan sparkle.
**DISCLAIMER- Now, nobody crank call him since I am puting this up here and ladies-- he is taken so lets keep it PG, huh.

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