Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Guilty Pleasure Confession (I'm a bum)

Confession time--

I love really ridiculous things and I have a slightly obsessive personality so when I have a day off I really enjoy just hanging out, eating junk, and have TV marathons. Does that make me lame?

The perfect example: On President's Day I literally did not get out of pj's all day long. I cleaned my bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom because I had company coming. I would clean a room then take a break and catch up on Big Love (which I love). I didn't have any grand adventures and I am pretty sure the only person I talked to all day was my sister and my Mom whom I called. I feel like I am always connected to people and things and so when I get free time I really enjoy just zoning out. Although I am trying to work on finding better ways to spend my time.

I really wish I was one of those people who love deep activities or enjoy a really productive weekend agenda, but the reality is I love to have a mellow activities with really fun people or just enjoy some much needed silence not thinking about anything. I sometimes envy those people who constantly have to be moving I feel like they live very tidy lives, and I wish mine could compact so nicely. I am just a little bit of a mess though, I constantly have random ideas and projects running though my head, I love people, but have come to appreciate that I need time to myself to function because if not I will literally wear myself down and get sick. My house is always slightly messy, even after I clean. I try to keep these good habits, but it is just not in my nature.

Please indulge me in venting this-- it was just a random tidbit that I have been thinking about all day.


GLEE OMG Moment of the night

So, tonight as I was watching Glee I had a beautiful surprise-- this little nugget. Can we quickly just discuss that
1. I love this song  

2.Puck looks yummy with his sunglasses on-- what, come on tell me the guy with the Mohawk singing is not hot-- I won't believe you.
3. Amber Riley (Mercedes) can sing anything and I would love it! 
4. The dancing in this is so amazing. I instantly went to itunes to buy this. Way to go Glee-- I have been disappointed by you a little and this made up for it.

Blame it on the Alcohol--GLEE


Monday, February 21, 2011

Fill in the blank

Sorry I missed this last Friday-- I was visiting my family, so I am making it up now.

1. The best piece of advice I was ever given was do your best. No matter what give 100%.

2. If I had a million dollars to give to one charity I would give it to saving children of human trafficing. Especially those kids in India.

3. If I got to choose my "last meal" it would be My mom's peppersteak and cheesecake.

4. My hair is moody. It is wavy in nature, but sometimes wants to do its own thing. I let it pick the hairstyle for the day.

5. If at first you don't succeed keep going. Don't get discouraged, God's timing is perfect.

6. I have always been smiley, talkative, and imaginative.

7. Oh....and by the way.... Happy President's Day-- I hope you are enjoying your day off as much as I am.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My theme song this week

This song has literally been everywhere this week-- so my theme song this week

SURVIVOR-Destiny's Child
(This song might be old school, but it makes me want to conquer the world when I hear it. I am a survivor, I'm gonna make it! Go ahead, Beyonce take it away!)


Be our guest--

This last weekend I went to go see Beauty and the Beast at Juanita K. Hammons Hall, and it was amazing. The show, the sets, the music was so good. As many of you know, I am a HUGE Beauty and the Beast fan and have seen the show anytime it is performed near me, but the other nights show was fantastic. I went with Shelley, Larry, and Emily and we had such a good time. Emily and I were singing along and Larry was experiencing the story for the first time. (Good thing he is bright or he might have gotten confused--just kidding) Below are a few of my favorite parts in the show (that I got off of youtube) and a picture of me and Shelley taken before the show at Larry's house.


Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

 I found these two clips today and laughed-- Enjoy some Pre-Valentine's Day magic.

Morning Commute Music-2/11/2011

  • Freakum Dress-Beyonce ( I love this song so much, it is ridiculous)

  • I don't want to be-Gavin DeGraw

  • Firework-Katy Perry

  • Tonight (I'm lovin you) -Enrique Iglesias
Lesson Learned: I am an individual, I need to stay true to who I am and what I believe. Don't let others get me down. The things that make me different are what makes me special and I need to embrace that.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Does anyone know of a cheap place for me to get my taxes done? I would like to get them done this weekend and would appreciate suggestions.

Morning Commute Music-2/10/2011

Today is the first day of a new type of post that I will be adding to my blog. I have been playing this random game with myself for quite sometime and hope that you all are as amused by my daily reflections as I am. The rules go something like this-as the snazzy logo (which I created myself, thank you very much) suggests I will tell you the songs that I heard on my way to work. Based on the songs I listen to I will see what Jesus and the Sirius radio company is trying to tell me for the day. Stay tuned- I hope you like this.

  • There Goes My Baby-Usher
  • Grenade- Bruno Mars
  • Me, Myself, and I-Beyonce
  • Fast Cars and Freedom-Rascal Flats
Lesson Learned:It is better to be alone and happy then to be stuck with someone crazy. Enjoy this season of singleness and embrace the beautiful possibilities that are to come.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy Birthday to this sweet little face

Happy 1st birthday to my adorable nephew Aiden.
Who couldn't love a sweet little nugget face like that.
Your Aunt Ash loves you very much and can't wait to see you in the present I bought you!

A moment to pay tribute

As I celebrated my birthday and accept all the warm wishes from all of you I would like to take a minute to look back a year and take a moment to reflect on something very close to my heart right now.  As you know I don't like to talk about emotional things, but in the last week this has been very heavy on my mind and I would like to share it with you-- my faithful blog followers.        

Last year on birthday my Grandpa Tanner passed away. It was one of the hardest experiences of my life. Yes, we all knew that day was coming, but actually having him pass was very hard on my family. To say that my grandpa was a good man is simply an understatement. He was kind, Godly man who was always there to give you an encouraging word, and a slightly over zealous pat on the cheek. Since his passing I have had a lot of time to reflect on the impact that he had on my life. I honestly believe that I would not be the person I am today without him.
  • He taught me to always trust in God's timing and plans, even when it doesn't seem like it makes sense.
  • He taught me its ok to cry
  • He took me fishing and was always patient
  • He taught me to play golf and encouraged my random interests
  • He always told me I was a very special girl and he knew I could do whatever I put my mind to.
So, I would like to take a brief moment to pause and pay a tribute to a very wonderful man who made such a difference in the lives of others, and was a good role model for those who knew him. He was loved and is dearly missed.

Dreaming of warmth,sand, and sunshine!

With all of this snow on the ground I really wish I was sitting on the beach about now. We have had non-stop snow for the last 2 weeks. I am over the bitter cold and long for pretty weather.I really want to start planning an awesome vacation. I need some sun and sand ASAP!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My 25 things to do while I am 25 list

There are several things that anyone who knows me very well will tell you.
1. I like lists-- rather compulsive about list making to be exact
2. I love random adventures

3. I REALLY love birthdays

So, I wanted to do something special to celebrate my 25th birthday and so I have taken suggestions from guests at my birthday party and from loved ones and compiled my list of 25 things to do over the course of the year. Just so you know, the suggestions ranked from mildly humorous to wildly offensive. I got a good laugh that is for sure. God bless the strange and wonderful people who I surround myself with! Over the next year I will blog and chronicle accomplishing these tasks on my list.
Since I am officially 25-- as of a couple of minutes ago I will share this list-- These items are in no particular order.

25 Things to do while 25!

1. Kiss a stranger

2. Try out for a play/musical

3. Go on a blind date/try speed dating

4. Dye/Highlight my hair

5. Zipline in Branson

6. Paint a piece of art work for my house

7. Get CPR certified

8. Pick up the tab for a stranger- double points if it is someone in need

9. Crash a wedding

10. Get a Brazilian wax/Double points if I scream Kelly Clarkson while its being done.

11. Visit another country/Go see Meagan

12. Try out for a reality show

13. Go on a float trip

14. Make sushi

15. Go skinny dipping

16. Have a spa day- the whole works

17. Play Bingo with Senior Citizens

18. Serve a meal at a soup kitchen

19. Bake from scratch a pie/bread/rolls. Triple points if I can do all 3.

20. Send hand written letters to 25 people.

21. Take a spur of the moment road trip adventure

22. Write a letter to someone famous-Oprah, Obama,etc. Ask for a signed picture or a Christmas card.

23. Go golfing with Andrew (he offered lessons) or my dad

24. Buy some new fun fish—choose a special one and name it Katie Couric.

25. Buy myself something very expensive- Shoes/Piece of Jewelry. Who said a girl can’t do something nice for herself right?

Check out my new reads--

I got two new books for my birthday and I am so excited to read them both.

TIP IT!- By Maggie Griffin
I am so excited to read this book. Thank you Ben and Eirick I loved watching my life on the D-list and I had been wanting to read this. It is gonna be a great poolside read for sure! All I need is my favorite boys and a summery drink to complete an epic day at the pool.

Dear Readers,
There are at least five good reasons to Tip It! right now.
1.  My daughter Kathy put out her memoir last year, which was real nice except for the controversial parts. And it got to be a #1 New York Times bestseller. Congratulations, Kathleen! But now it's my turn. I've written my own book. I have things to say, too, without having to be all controversial like you were. Tip it!

2.  People recognize me on the street a lot now and come over, nicely, and say "Maggie, you remind me of my own mother." And they say "Maggie, I love your show"--referring to Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List as my show. Sometimes I correct them, I say, "Oh, it's not my show." But sometimes . . . I don't correct them. It's kind of fun being a star, isn't it? Tip it!

3.  If you want to know a few things about my daughter Kathleen that only a mother could know (How the heck did she get this way? Did she always swear so much, for Chrissake?), you have come to the right book. Tip it!

4.  You know how a box of wine is never empty just because the spigot seems to have run dry? (There's always a little more if you just tip it!) This book is like that. There's so much in it--never-before-published Griffin family photos!, a love story (me and my dear departed husband Johnny), a whole guide to good living (including how to survive on what's in your purse), and a lot of funny business in this book from Kathleen (she made comments in this book; readers, I was not able to stop her!). So take this book and Tip It!

5.  And be sure to get the last drop out of living. Isn't it nice that "Tip It" acts as a toast? I'm 90 years old, and I think "Tip It!" even works pretty well as a motto for living to the fullest. So, Tip It! today.

Maggie Griffin

The Year of Living Biblically- By A.J. Jacobs
I have been hearing about this book and it seems like it is going to be really funny. I think growing up reading some of the Old Testament passages I am interested to see how this guy accomplished it. Thank you Emily for the book.

Make no mistake: A.J. Jacobs is not a religious man. He describes himself as Jewish "in the same way the Olive Garden is an Italian restaurant." Yet his latest work, The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible, is an insightful and hilarious journey for readers of all faiths. Though no fatted calves were harmed in the making of this book, Jacobs chronicles 12 months living a remarkably strict Biblical life full of charity, chastity, and facial hair as impressive as anything found in The Lord of the Rings. Through it all, he manages to brilliantly keep things light, while avoiding the sinful eye of judgment. --Dave Callanan