Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Guilty Pleasure Confession (I'm a bum)

Confession time--

I love really ridiculous things and I have a slightly obsessive personality so when I have a day off I really enjoy just hanging out, eating junk, and have TV marathons. Does that make me lame?

The perfect example: On President's Day I literally did not get out of pj's all day long. I cleaned my bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom because I had company coming. I would clean a room then take a break and catch up on Big Love (which I love). I didn't have any grand adventures and I am pretty sure the only person I talked to all day was my sister and my Mom whom I called. I feel like I am always connected to people and things and so when I get free time I really enjoy just zoning out. Although I am trying to work on finding better ways to spend my time.

I really wish I was one of those people who love deep activities or enjoy a really productive weekend agenda, but the reality is I love to have a mellow activities with really fun people or just enjoy some much needed silence not thinking about anything. I sometimes envy those people who constantly have to be moving I feel like they live very tidy lives, and I wish mine could compact so nicely. I am just a little bit of a mess though, I constantly have random ideas and projects running though my head, I love people, but have come to appreciate that I need time to myself to function because if not I will literally wear myself down and get sick. My house is always slightly messy, even after I clean. I try to keep these good habits, but it is just not in my nature.

Please indulge me in venting this-- it was just a random tidbit that I have been thinking about all day.


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