Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Am I addicted to my iphone?

I got an iphone about 6 months ago and really like it. Before I got my iphone I had a blackberry which I liked until it started randomly calling people on its own. Everyone told me that I would just melt over the iphone, that I would become one of those crazy people who could not put their phone down. I quickly told them that I simply am not one of those people. I am not obsessed with getting the newest shinest toy, its just not my style.


Today I accidentally left my phone at my house when I left for work. I realized this shortly after I got there, but thought it was no big deal-- because how many personal calls do I get during the day anyways.  So, I went along my day.  I realized that randomly I would reach for my phone to check twitter or facebook while my computer was getting worked on-- only to realize that it was not there. I did this often enough that it made me realize how much I use my phone to do so many things. My phone holds more that just phone numbers: I have videos and pictures of my niece and nephew, tons of music, my facebook and twitter account, my shopping list, and so much more. I will admit I was able to continue my day and I did not convulse because my iphone was not attached to my hand, but it made me realize how things become so ingrained in your daily routine without you even realizing it.

So, iphone. Thanks for keeping me in the loop about all of my favorite things-- but in the meantime I now know I need to be more aware of how I spend my time and my energy. Invest in people not things.

Lots of love,

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