Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Last weekend: Seriously Moms- you are amazing

Last weekend I had the privelage to help my Mom and Dad babysit my nephew and niece. My Dad had recently hurt his shoulder and I knew that my Mom could use the help and I enjoy seeing the kiddos so I headed to good ole Greenville to hang out with the parental units and the kids-- if I had only known what was in store...

Meet Miss Audrey Brooks- She is almost 3 and is way too smart for her own good. She likes to tease people and has more energy than should be allowed in one person. She is ridiculously cute though-- and she has her aunt Ash wrapped around her little finger. Her favorite things at the moment are Barbie movies (yes I watched about 3 on loop the entire weekend) and playing on playgrounds. I love this little bundle of energy and sass!
Now I would like you to meet my nephew Aiden. He is 7 months and one of the best babies I have ever seen. While Audrey is extremely dramatic and energetic, Aiden is the ultimate picture of the ultimate chill dude. He is VERY smiley, which I love, and loves music. He adores my niece and will sympathy cry when she gets really upset. Over the weekend he definately became an Ash's boy. Meet the handsome Mr. Aiden.

The real drama greeted me at 9:00 sharp on Saturday morning. I awoke to hear my niece screaming bloody murder and jumped out of the bed to investigate the situation. As I open the door I see both my niece and my dad in a pile on the floor. Apparently my dad had tripped over her and they both fell... at least I think it was something like that. So, I check and make sure my dad is ok and go track down my niece. Audrey had run off and was wailing under the dining room table. So, I crawl under there and scoop her up and try to hug her and wipe the tears. As I walk into the living room I find my mom and she is holding my nephew. So, she hands me Aiden and I give her Audrey to consol. I sit down with Aiden, who promptly wipes his very snotty baby nose all over my t-shirt that I had worn to bed. He then smiles at me and with both of his hands grabs my face and laughs. I look at the clock-- It is offically 9:03 and I have already had a very full day!

The weekend went well, it was a constant state of feed a kid, clean a kid, try to get a kid to sleep, pick them up, and do it all again. I have babysat a lot in my life and always been around kids, but I had no idea the constant craziness that mothers deal with everyday. I loved every minute I spent with my niece and nephew, but I found myself longing for my quiet Friday night blockaded in my apartment watching a movie by myself. It made me appreciate all those working mom's-- you ladies are FAR better than I. So, to you all I say-- DEAR MOMS-- You ARE amazing!

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