Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Video Karaoke

Hey Gang,
Check out the contest that you can vote for! What should I video karaoke? Vote now!

So, leave a message to vote or go to my facebook account and vote. You have until midnight on Saturday!

How to love-Lil Wayne

Think Good Thoughts-Colbie Caillat

Someone Like You-Adele

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I had the shingles-- and it sucked!

Right after I got back from my Wombat moon I woke up the next day and had blisters on my forehead and a crazy headache. I tried to shake it off, but I kept having terrible headaches. So, I went to the doctor and found out I had the shingles.

In case you have never had the shingles-- it sucks. I had the worst headaches and then shooting and blistering pain in my head, face, and eyes. I had a prescription and pain pills, but nothing was touching the level of pain. I tried to keep working, but it was exhausting and so after a week of being miserable I went to doing half days. I think I was able to convince my boss to let me do half days because I was having such terrible shooting pain in my head that it killed me to touch my head-- so my hair was a mess! So, basically for two weeks I would-- go to work, take literally 30 pills a day, come home cry my eyes out, fall asleep, eat, and repeat. It was awful. I am lucky that I only felt terrible for 2 weeks, after that all my symptoms went away and I have been feeling good since then. I am glad that it is all over. Shingles. AWFUL!

My wombat moon to Chicago!

After about 8 million wedding festivities it was time for a "honeymoon" of my own. I got to go see my besties in Chicago. While we were together we got to hang out and the Ephraim lake house-- which meant a day at the beach and some SERIOUS relaxing.  Although there was no mooning of my own, we affectionately called this weekend my wombat moon. I love my WOBS. We had a great time of talking, eating, and getting to know Meagan's fiance Peter. Such a fantastic beginning to July!

My besties and I at the beach.

Navy Pier-- I was so excited because I had been waiting for years to go, and it was BEAUTIFUL!

Me and my Meagan on the Ferris wheel. It was so good to see her again. I miss her so much.

A little bit of Springfield in Chicago. Oh Andy-- and intense sunburn from the day at the beach.

I love Chicago. It was such a fun trip.

Websites that I REALLY love

I really love these websites. So, if you are bored. Check them out. I love fun sites and fun pictures!

Check out these 4 websites that I love so much. They inspire me and make me lol!

Obsessed with photobooths and a good moustache!

At Larry and Emily's wedding they had a photo booth and I am officially obsessed with the idea of photo booths. I seriously want to have an event just so my friends and I can take fun pictures.Plus, we all know my feelings about a good moustache on a stick! Here are some of my favs.

I am pretty sure this is going to end up on my wall.

End of the night silly time!

Girls just want to have fun.

Wedding Bells for Larry and Emily!

On July 30, 2011 I was in Larry and Emily's wedding. The weekend was so much fun. Getting to meet both families and see how excited everyone was made the event extra special. Below I have included a few snapshots from the day.

Teresa, Sophia, and I posing in the church before the wedding.

A little posing before the wedding.

Seriously, they were so adorable! My favorite 2 moments of the wedding were when Larry's nephew walked down the aisle during the middle of the ceremony thumping all the way down the stairs. It was seriously adorable. Secondly, I loved that at one point during the ceremony Emily just grabbed Larry and gave him a giant kiss. It was so cute!

My plus 1 for the wedding.

Larry and I . I couldn't have been happier to celebrate such a fantastic union between two very special people. I have worked with Larry for the past 3 years and he is so special to me. Getting to see him get the happiness he deserved was worth every minute of crazy.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sorry to leave you all hanging

I know I have once again neglected my blog, but here is what I have been up to while I have been gone away from you. Here are just a few of the new things I have to share.

I started selling Partylite candles. So far I have done around 7 parties. It has been fun, and I have had a good time. To see my personal consultant site visit here and check it out:

I saw these movies in back to back features at the Palace. I loved both of them!



I went to Oklahoma for a candle party with the lovely Ragsdale/Former Ragsdale women and while I was there I got to go to an Oklahoma Thunder Game. It was my first NBA game and I LOVED it! The energy in that place was unreal! To make it even more exciting it was an NBA finals game. I want to give a giant shout out to Lauren for making this possible, it was such a fun experience!

I got addicted to McDonald's Strawberry Lemonade

Songs I love

This week has been AMAZING for music-- So in honor of that I will share my favs on itunes this week.

Favorite Song- Colbie Caillait
   I have always said I would know that a guy was "the one" when he made me feel like hearing my favorite song.  Finally a love song that I can really get into-- I know what you are talking about girl!  Also, the tune is so catchy and it makes me want to dance along. Enjoy this mellow tune.

Catchy Booty Shakin Song- Booty Wurk (T-Pain)
Yes, the name is ridiculous and the part where he says one cheek is really ridiculous, but there is something about the beat that is really fun to dance to.

Songs that Warm my cold dark heart- Stitch by Stitch (Javier)
I know this song did not come out this week, but it is noteworthy--I think his voice is so sexy, and I loved him on the voice. This song is so good and it is great to sing along with.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

This week's obsessions

These are the things that I am completely obsessed with this week-

This week's song: Give me Everything-Pitbull ft. Neyo. This song is so good. I literally worked out for an hour to this song on repeat. It makes me want to dance my buxom backside off!

This website I found: It's a blog called le petit happy. I love EVERYTHING about it. The style of the pictures, her style, and her little inspirational posts--like the one below. Check it out!

This snack: I recently have fallen in love with Sugar Free Strawberry jello cups. They are cool and delicious and I love that they are in their own cups, so it is a complete snack and no clean up! YUMMY!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

See the good in all things!

The cutest little nugget in all the land

I took these videos last weekend of my nephew. I know I am rather partial, but I just think he is the cutest little thing. This is me bragging. So, watch my cute nephew will ya--


Mark it off-- #19 Bake from scratch a pie/bread/rolls.

 I can mark another item off of my list of 25 things to do while 25.  My friend Becca offered her amazing baking skills so I took her up on her offer and we scheduled a baking date. Check out the video below and find out why I picked this for my list.

#19 Bake from scratch a pie/bread/rolls.
Date: March 25, 2011
Where: My kitchen
Who did I participate with: The lovely Becca Jantz

Below are some of my favorite pictures from the night. The results were delicious and I am so glad I put this on my list and got to get my bake on.
Here I am working out my domestic goddessness!

Working that dough out!

The Cinnamon rolls we made, aren't the tiny rolls in heart shape container just the cutest thing.

Here are the final results. Don't they look delicious?
Not pictured- the AMAZING banana nut bread


Monday, March 21, 2011

Hello and goodbye!

Well, hello there theme song for the week. They played this tonight at Zumba and I just loved it!
Free to be me--Francesca Battistelli

Last night was the series finale of Big Love. It was so good. That show was so great! I have been a big fan of the show since season 1 so it was bitter sweet to have it go off the air. This is a special they did about the final episode and the series. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Daily Inspiration

I love myself some Benny Franks (a college joke) and when I saw this on Swiss Miss I loved it! Benny apparently loves lists and schedules as much as me and he loves to stay up late! I love the fact that he starts his day asking- What good shall I do this day and ends the day the same way. This is such a great piece inspiration. I hope you think this is as interesting as I do!


Kind of a Big Deal

Kind Of A Big Deal

Never despise small beginnings, and don’t belittle your own accomplishments. Remember them and use them as inspiration as you go on to the next thing. When you venture outside your comfort zone, wherever the starting point may be, it’s kind of a big deal.

- Chris Guillebeau, Kind Of A Big Deal

I just love this quote!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Good words, True words

Days are getting shorter:
“You do get to a certain point in life where you have to realistically, I think, understand that the days are getting shorter, and you can’t put things off thinking you’ll get to them someday. If you really want to do them, you better do them. There are simply too many people getting sick, and sooner or later you will. So I’m very much a believer in knowing what it is that you love doing so you can do a great deal of it.”
Nora Ephron
Film Director, Producer, Screenwriter, Novelist

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mark it off-- #18 Work at a soup kitchen

I have had several people ask me how I was progressing with my list of 25 things to do while 25, and before now I have not been able to mark anything off of my list. I have just been doing a lot of planning. I am very excited to announce I can mark off my first item off of my list. Scratch off number

18. Serve a meal at a soup kitchen.
Date: March 6, 2011
Where: Embasy Of Hope (1316 West Webster)
Who did I attend with: The lovely Becca Jantz

I have always wanted to volunteer for something like this, but so far most of the opportunities have always come at a bad time. I love people and I honestly believe we show our love for God by how we love those around us. I definitely have a heart for these kinds of ministries and was very excited about putting my faith into action.

I rode with Jantzey to the location and made her pose for this picture in the freezing cold so I would have proof that this happened. So, after we finally got my camera to cooperate she warned me of the craziness that would greet us as we entered the door. I happen to thrive on such an atmosphere so I was looking forward to it. As we walked in we greeted the ladies cooking the food in the kitchen, and met the man who organizes this ministry. As we walked into the main area I was surprised to already see a crowd of people sitting at the tables, especially since it was around 10:30 and lunch would not be served until noon or later.

We quickly went to work counting out bags that would be filled with groceries for those who came to the meal.  As we were doing so a random guy kept trying to chat me up, but I was having difficulty counting and focusing on what he was saying. Yes, he was trying to be flattering but it was a rather awkward way of doing it.  I just tried to be friendly but not too friendly, because I could tell the slightest bit of approval would only result in way more awkwardness than even I can handle. After we counted out the bags  and safely deterred my new friend, we then met for the volunteer meeting and got our assignments for the rest of the day. Jantzey and I agreed to be servers, so after the message we would help distribute the meat loaf, mash potatoes, gravy, and salad that was being prepared in the kitchen. After we left the meeting their was a short devotion and several people came up to be prayed for. It was such a neat atmosphere having the volunteers talking  and praying with the wide cast of characters that was assembled.

 After the meal we got everything set up to serve the meal. I got my cafeteria lady on and served the mashed potatoes and Jantzey expertly added the gravy. It was weird to see that quantity of any food, as I placed it on the plates after a while my mind could not even recognize that it was food. Who can imagine 50 lbs of potatoes, sorry that is a side note-- you get it there was a lot of potatoes and food. After the meal was served and everyone got seconds who wanted them we helped clean up and then prepared to give out the bags of groceries. As we handed out the groceries I smiled and talked with people as they waited their turn. There were so many really nice people and it made my heart glad that we could give them a little bit of help. After all the bags were handed out we picked up and headed out.

I am so glad that I was able to help this organization. It was a great experience and I think I liked so much I will try to do this once a month. I think it was nice to get out of my comfort zone and really focus on the greater good that is going on around me. I may just be one person, but God can take a willing heart and able body and use it to be an ambassador of God's love. 

Stay tuned as I mark more things off of my list. 25 is going to be a great year for me I can just feel it!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm so excited!

There are so many things coming up to be excited about. So, today I thought I would share 10 things that I am excited about most in March, but some extend a little longer!

10 reasons to be excited about March/Upcoming Events in Life

1. Next weekend I am going to my friend Jess Herring's wedding, and I am planning on spending time with these pretty faces

This picture is SO old. Hahaha. Hopefully we can take a more updated version soon.

2.  After Lately is premiering this weekend and I LOVE myself some Chelsea Handler. PLUS her new book is coming out in May-- Can you say POOLSIDE READING MUST>

3. This weekend I am volunteering with my friend Jantzey, and I am super excited! Pictures to come-- by the way that is the first thing on my 25 to do while 25 that I got to mark off!

4. Spring is almost here! That means pretty flowers, warm weather, and feeling frisky ;).

5. Some of my best pals in the world are having birthday's. So, in advance Happy Birthday-- Emily, Brittany, and Julie!

6. I am planning to buy my new fish Katy Couric!

7. I am ready to buy some fun new clothes, I don't know why but I am really ready to mix it up. I have been trying out new hairstyles and stuff. I have been thinking about it and I have decided to try and be more adventurous-- you are only young once! So, stay tuned for pictures.

8. I am starting a new important project. Investing in my future-- its exciting!

9. I seriously can't wait for the pool to open. I need some fresh rays and a ridiculous read ASAP!

10. My sisters and I are talking about having a mini Sister Spring Break trip, and I think it will be a lot of fun. We are needing something cheap and a good in between distance for us all so CHEERS to really random adventures with sisters!

What are you excited about these days?


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Guilty Pleasure Confession (I'm a bum)

Confession time--

I love really ridiculous things and I have a slightly obsessive personality so when I have a day off I really enjoy just hanging out, eating junk, and have TV marathons. Does that make me lame?

The perfect example: On President's Day I literally did not get out of pj's all day long. I cleaned my bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom because I had company coming. I would clean a room then take a break and catch up on Big Love (which I love). I didn't have any grand adventures and I am pretty sure the only person I talked to all day was my sister and my Mom whom I called. I feel like I am always connected to people and things and so when I get free time I really enjoy just zoning out. Although I am trying to work on finding better ways to spend my time.

I really wish I was one of those people who love deep activities or enjoy a really productive weekend agenda, but the reality is I love to have a mellow activities with really fun people or just enjoy some much needed silence not thinking about anything. I sometimes envy those people who constantly have to be moving I feel like they live very tidy lives, and I wish mine could compact so nicely. I am just a little bit of a mess though, I constantly have random ideas and projects running though my head, I love people, but have come to appreciate that I need time to myself to function because if not I will literally wear myself down and get sick. My house is always slightly messy, even after I clean. I try to keep these good habits, but it is just not in my nature.

Please indulge me in venting this-- it was just a random tidbit that I have been thinking about all day.


GLEE OMG Moment of the night

So, tonight as I was watching Glee I had a beautiful surprise-- this little nugget. Can we quickly just discuss that
1. I love this song  

2.Puck looks yummy with his sunglasses on-- what, come on tell me the guy with the Mohawk singing is not hot-- I won't believe you.
3. Amber Riley (Mercedes) can sing anything and I would love it! 
4. The dancing in this is so amazing. I instantly went to itunes to buy this. Way to go Glee-- I have been disappointed by you a little and this made up for it.

Blame it on the Alcohol--GLEE


Monday, February 21, 2011

Fill in the blank

Sorry I missed this last Friday-- I was visiting my family, so I am making it up now.

1. The best piece of advice I was ever given was do your best. No matter what give 100%.

2. If I had a million dollars to give to one charity I would give it to saving children of human trafficing. Especially those kids in India.

3. If I got to choose my "last meal" it would be My mom's peppersteak and cheesecake.

4. My hair is moody. It is wavy in nature, but sometimes wants to do its own thing. I let it pick the hairstyle for the day.

5. If at first you don't succeed keep going. Don't get discouraged, God's timing is perfect.

6. I have always been smiley, talkative, and imaginative.

7. Oh....and by the way.... Happy President's Day-- I hope you are enjoying your day off as much as I am.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My theme song this week

This song has literally been everywhere this week-- so my theme song this week

SURVIVOR-Destiny's Child
(This song might be old school, but it makes me want to conquer the world when I hear it. I am a survivor, I'm gonna make it! Go ahead, Beyonce take it away!)


Be our guest--

This last weekend I went to go see Beauty and the Beast at Juanita K. Hammons Hall, and it was amazing. The show, the sets, the music was so good. As many of you know, I am a HUGE Beauty and the Beast fan and have seen the show anytime it is performed near me, but the other nights show was fantastic. I went with Shelley, Larry, and Emily and we had such a good time. Emily and I were singing along and Larry was experiencing the story for the first time. (Good thing he is bright or he might have gotten confused--just kidding) Below are a few of my favorite parts in the show (that I got off of youtube) and a picture of me and Shelley taken before the show at Larry's house.


Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

 I found these two clips today and laughed-- Enjoy some Pre-Valentine's Day magic.

Morning Commute Music-2/11/2011

  • Freakum Dress-Beyonce ( I love this song so much, it is ridiculous)

  • I don't want to be-Gavin DeGraw

  • Firework-Katy Perry

  • Tonight (I'm lovin you) -Enrique Iglesias
Lesson Learned: I am an individual, I need to stay true to who I am and what I believe. Don't let others get me down. The things that make me different are what makes me special and I need to embrace that.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Does anyone know of a cheap place for me to get my taxes done? I would like to get them done this weekend and would appreciate suggestions.

Morning Commute Music-2/10/2011

Today is the first day of a new type of post that I will be adding to my blog. I have been playing this random game with myself for quite sometime and hope that you all are as amused by my daily reflections as I am. The rules go something like this-as the snazzy logo (which I created myself, thank you very much) suggests I will tell you the songs that I heard on my way to work. Based on the songs I listen to I will see what Jesus and the Sirius radio company is trying to tell me for the day. Stay tuned- I hope you like this.

  • There Goes My Baby-Usher
  • Grenade- Bruno Mars
  • Me, Myself, and I-Beyonce
  • Fast Cars and Freedom-Rascal Flats
Lesson Learned:It is better to be alone and happy then to be stuck with someone crazy. Enjoy this season of singleness and embrace the beautiful possibilities that are to come.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy Birthday to this sweet little face

Happy 1st birthday to my adorable nephew Aiden.
Who couldn't love a sweet little nugget face like that.
Your Aunt Ash loves you very much and can't wait to see you in the present I bought you!

A moment to pay tribute

As I celebrated my birthday and accept all the warm wishes from all of you I would like to take a minute to look back a year and take a moment to reflect on something very close to my heart right now.  As you know I don't like to talk about emotional things, but in the last week this has been very heavy on my mind and I would like to share it with you-- my faithful blog followers.        

Last year on birthday my Grandpa Tanner passed away. It was one of the hardest experiences of my life. Yes, we all knew that day was coming, but actually having him pass was very hard on my family. To say that my grandpa was a good man is simply an understatement. He was kind, Godly man who was always there to give you an encouraging word, and a slightly over zealous pat on the cheek. Since his passing I have had a lot of time to reflect on the impact that he had on my life. I honestly believe that I would not be the person I am today without him.
  • He taught me to always trust in God's timing and plans, even when it doesn't seem like it makes sense.
  • He taught me its ok to cry
  • He took me fishing and was always patient
  • He taught me to play golf and encouraged my random interests
  • He always told me I was a very special girl and he knew I could do whatever I put my mind to.
So, I would like to take a brief moment to pause and pay a tribute to a very wonderful man who made such a difference in the lives of others, and was a good role model for those who knew him. He was loved and is dearly missed.

Dreaming of warmth,sand, and sunshine!

With all of this snow on the ground I really wish I was sitting on the beach about now. We have had non-stop snow for the last 2 weeks. I am over the bitter cold and long for pretty weather.I really want to start planning an awesome vacation. I need some sun and sand ASAP!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My 25 things to do while I am 25 list

There are several things that anyone who knows me very well will tell you.
1. I like lists-- rather compulsive about list making to be exact
2. I love random adventures

3. I REALLY love birthdays

So, I wanted to do something special to celebrate my 25th birthday and so I have taken suggestions from guests at my birthday party and from loved ones and compiled my list of 25 things to do over the course of the year. Just so you know, the suggestions ranked from mildly humorous to wildly offensive. I got a good laugh that is for sure. God bless the strange and wonderful people who I surround myself with! Over the next year I will blog and chronicle accomplishing these tasks on my list.
Since I am officially 25-- as of a couple of minutes ago I will share this list-- These items are in no particular order.

25 Things to do while 25!

1. Kiss a stranger

2. Try out for a play/musical

3. Go on a blind date/try speed dating

4. Dye/Highlight my hair

5. Zipline in Branson

6. Paint a piece of art work for my house

7. Get CPR certified

8. Pick up the tab for a stranger- double points if it is someone in need

9. Crash a wedding

10. Get a Brazilian wax/Double points if I scream Kelly Clarkson while its being done.

11. Visit another country/Go see Meagan

12. Try out for a reality show

13. Go on a float trip

14. Make sushi

15. Go skinny dipping

16. Have a spa day- the whole works

17. Play Bingo with Senior Citizens

18. Serve a meal at a soup kitchen

19. Bake from scratch a pie/bread/rolls. Triple points if I can do all 3.

20. Send hand written letters to 25 people.

21. Take a spur of the moment road trip adventure

22. Write a letter to someone famous-Oprah, Obama,etc. Ask for a signed picture or a Christmas card.

23. Go golfing with Andrew (he offered lessons) or my dad

24. Buy some new fun fish—choose a special one and name it Katie Couric.

25. Buy myself something very expensive- Shoes/Piece of Jewelry. Who said a girl can’t do something nice for herself right?

Check out my new reads--

I got two new books for my birthday and I am so excited to read them both.

TIP IT!- By Maggie Griffin
I am so excited to read this book. Thank you Ben and Eirick I loved watching my life on the D-list and I had been wanting to read this. It is gonna be a great poolside read for sure! All I need is my favorite boys and a summery drink to complete an epic day at the pool.

Dear Readers,
There are at least five good reasons to Tip It! right now.
1.  My daughter Kathy put out her memoir last year, which was real nice except for the controversial parts. And it got to be a #1 New York Times bestseller. Congratulations, Kathleen! But now it's my turn. I've written my own book. I have things to say, too, without having to be all controversial like you were. Tip it!

2.  People recognize me on the street a lot now and come over, nicely, and say "Maggie, you remind me of my own mother." And they say "Maggie, I love your show"--referring to Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List as my show. Sometimes I correct them, I say, "Oh, it's not my show." But sometimes . . . I don't correct them. It's kind of fun being a star, isn't it? Tip it!

3.  If you want to know a few things about my daughter Kathleen that only a mother could know (How the heck did she get this way? Did she always swear so much, for Chrissake?), you have come to the right book. Tip it!

4.  You know how a box of wine is never empty just because the spigot seems to have run dry? (There's always a little more if you just tip it!) This book is like that. There's so much in it--never-before-published Griffin family photos!, a love story (me and my dear departed husband Johnny), a whole guide to good living (including how to survive on what's in your purse), and a lot of funny business in this book from Kathleen (she made comments in this book; readers, I was not able to stop her!). So take this book and Tip It!

5.  And be sure to get the last drop out of living. Isn't it nice that "Tip It" acts as a toast? I'm 90 years old, and I think "Tip It!" even works pretty well as a motto for living to the fullest. So, Tip It! today.

Maggie Griffin

The Year of Living Biblically- By A.J. Jacobs
I have been hearing about this book and it seems like it is going to be really funny. I think growing up reading some of the Old Testament passages I am interested to see how this guy accomplished it. Thank you Emily for the book.

Make no mistake: A.J. Jacobs is not a religious man. He describes himself as Jewish "in the same way the Olive Garden is an Italian restaurant." Yet his latest work, The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible, is an insightful and hilarious journey for readers of all faiths. Though no fatted calves were harmed in the making of this book, Jacobs chronicles 12 months living a remarkably strict Biblical life full of charity, chastity, and facial hair as impressive as anything found in The Lord of the Rings. Through it all, he manages to brilliantly keep things light, while avoiding the sinful eye of judgment. --Dave Callanan

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sick days--My little remedies

All week I have been feeling a little under the weather all week, but I tried to brush it off and continue on with my week. Finally, on Saturday night after church it found me. The sore throat, runny nose, aches... the whole deal. So, I have tried to just rest and start to medicate so I can be all healthy for my birthday next week. All of this has got me thinking about the little remedies that always make me feel better.  What are your sick day rituals? Besides medicine what tricks do you use to make yourself feel better?

Here are a few of my favorite things to do when I am sick to feel better-

1. BYE BYE BIRDIE- This is one of my favorite guilty pleasure movies of all time. I first got obsessed with this movie when I was 9. It came on tv shortly before I got sick and had to stay home a couple of days. I made my poor sister watch this at least 4 times. About a year I randomly found it again and saved on my DVR, so when I am feeling a little under the weather a little frivolous dancing and song warms my little cold dead heart!

2. TV Marathon- Depending on the year and the mood a good movie marathon is always a favorite of mine.
This time it was old school Gilmore Girls. I just love that show. I especially like it when Logan comes on the scene. I find him to be very charming and kinda of create a little edge to Rory's squeaky clean side.

I also love Ugly Betty-- I have the first season on DVD and whenever it is on I try to watch it, that show is heart warming, funny, and a little silly. Plus, for a long time I felt like my life was awkwardly resembling Betty's career, and that is always good when you can identify with a character.

3. I really love Campbell's chicken noodle soup. It brings me back to being a kid, plus it helps with the sore throat and runny nose. When I was a kid I used to eat chicken noodle soup every morning for breakfast.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What I 'm reading these days

I just got two new books from the Springfield public library. I would like to quickly state that I LOVE the library. The Springfield library is amazing, they have so many really great and fun books. It is so cheap and there are so many locations to choose from. I enjoy reading, especially in the summertime, (who doesn't love a good book while laying by the pool) but I am trying to start the year off right.
 So here is what I am currently reading.

Classy by Dereck Blasberg- My friend Jessica told me the other day that I simply had to read this funny book, so I reserved it and even though I just started it I have to admit it is HILARIOUS! I think many of you will appreciate this read, it is super witty and cheeky. Below is a description of the book. I suggest you pick it up.

This guide provides wise yet hip advice on how an "extremely modern" young woman can be a lady and avoid being a "tramp," but it is so much more. Can she learn how to travel overseas or attend social events in style? Check. Can she learn to plan a wonderful dinner party, complete with correct place settings? Check. Can she learn how to avoid the wrong guy, drinking too much, cigarettes, or drugs without being a nerd? Check. Can she learn proper social customs and etiquette, and how to be a great friend? Check. She can also gain sound advice about these and myriad other important elements of life, including sensible dressing, successfully handling relationships, being knowledgeable about the world, and making good personal choices. Quotes from famous people savvy about the ins and outs of each subject addressed, plus catchy color photos and pertinent captions, add interest and flavor to the extremely upbeat and thought-provoking chapters. Humorous "self-tests" and their results reinforce the points being made.

Uncharted Territori by Tori Spelling  Tori Spelling is a very random celebrity. I had heard that her books were funny so I decided to try them. This book is pretty cute so far. She has a couple other books and if this one goes well I might try to read them. I really want to read the book by her mom. I heard it is really juicy-- so that will be on my poolside reading list.

Tori finally has everything she thought she wanted—a loving family and a successful career—but trying to live a normal life in Hollywood is a little weird. With the irresistible wit, attitude, and humor that fans have come to love, the New York Times bestselling author of sTORI telling and Mommywood is back with more hilarious, heartwarming, and candid stories of juggling work, marriage, motherhood, and reality television cameras.
Tori comes clean about doing her time on jury duty, stalking herself on Twitter, discovering her former 90210 castmates’ "I Hate Tori" club, contracting swine flu, and contacting Farrah Fawcett from the dead. Like many mothers, she struggles to find balance (Stars, they’re just like us!)—only most women don’t have to battle it out with paparazzi at the grocery store. She talks openly about the darker side of life in the spotlight: media scrutiny over her weight and her marriage to Dean McDermott, her controversial relationship with Dean’s ex-wife, and her unfolding reconciliation with her mother.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A look into my DVR

I have not done this in a while, but here is a look into my DVR. These are the most recent 15 things I currently have on my DVR. 
  1. Chelsea Handler
  2. Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane
  3. The Soup
  4. Lie to me
  5. Tosh.0
  6. Brothers and Sisters - really old ones from Reelz channel
  7. Kourtney and Kim Take New York
  8. How I met your mother
  9. Holly's World
  10. Real Housewives of Atlanta
  11. Tootsie
  12. White Collar
  13. Footloose
  14. Steal Magnolia's
  15. Whip it.
After reading this list, even I am judging me a little. What can I say, I love reality tv.
I know I have not been on here in a million years, and I apologize. You all have been faithful followers and I left you high and dry. I am back now-- Get ready for the musings and shannigans of Ashley Tanner in 2011!! To make amends and get you in the loop of what I've been up to here is a list of 10 things I did while I was away from you.


10. I started and completed my social media certification class. That explains most of my absence, I had to be writing on a much less vivacious one might I add.

9. I went to Silver dollar city and climbed in this super creepy cave-- ok the cave was not that super creepy as caves go I am sure it is charming but I am creeped out by heights, stairs, and small passage ways far below the earth. I am glad I did it though, I love challenges.

8.I went with Emily to go see the Black Swan with Natalie Portman. That movie was good, but VERY creepy. Ballerina's officially freak me out now.

7. I had a Christmas party at my house. This is my first officially party in my swinging bachelorette pad. I have had dinner guests and such but it was great to have 15 of my nearest and dearest Springfield pals to come celebrate Jesus' birthday and hang out and eat yummy treats.

6. I went to the Indianna for the first time to visit my friend Jessica. We rang in the new year in Indianapolis, and had a really fun time.

5.I got to spend some quality time with my adorable niece and nephew. They are just the cutest little things EVER~!

4. I volunteered at church for an outreach. I really enjoyed it, and will do it again.

3. I started taking zumba classes 2 days a week. I should have done this sooner, those of you who know me at all could see the handwriting on the wall for this one. I love to shake my groove thing. It has been 3 weeks thus far I really like it.

2.Joined Twitter-- So hit me up and follow my words of wisdom and random funnies.!/dashofsosass

1. I fell in love with these songs while I was away... ENJOY