Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 31: Favorite Reads

I enjoy reading. I would not call myself an avid reader, because I get a little A.D.D with books, so something has to get my attention and keep it or I am gone. So below I talk about my new favorite book and my new favorite guilty pleasure read.

1.The Happiness Project-This is one book I think everyone HAS to read at least once in your life. It is amazing. Are you looking for a change-- want to live a more full life. This book gives you so many great and practical ideas. It helps you break down big goals into smaller managable pieces. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

SYNOPSIS Gretchen Rubin had an epiphany one rainy afternoon in the unlikeliest of places: a city bus. "The days are long, but the years are short," she realized. "Time is passing, and I'm not focusing enough on the things that really matter." In that moment, she decided to dedicate a year to her happiness project. In this lively and compelling account of that year, Rubin carves out her place alongside the authors of bestselling memoirs such as Julie and Julia , The Year of Living Biblically , and Eat, Pray, Love . With humor and insight, she chronicles her adventures during the twelve months she spent test-driving the wisdom of the ages, current scientific research, and lessons from popular culture about how to be happier. Rubin didn't have the option to uproot herself, nor did she really want to; instead she focused on improving her life as it was. Each month she tackled a new set of resolutions: give proofs of love, ask for help, find more fun, keep a gratitude notebook, forget about results. She immersed herself in principles set forth by all manner of experts, from Epicurus to Thoreau to Oprah to Martin Seligman to the Dalai Lama to see what worked for her and what didn't. Her conclusions are sometimes surprising she finds that money can buy happiness, when spent wisely; that novelty and challenge are powerful sources of happiness; that "treating" yourself can make you feel worse; that venting bad feelings doesn't relieve them; that the very smallest of changes can make the biggest difference and they range from the practical to the profound. Written with charm and wit, The Happiness Project is illuminating yet entertaining, thought-provoking yet compulsively readable. Gretchen Rubin's passion for her subject jumps off the page, and reading just a few chapters of this book will inspire you to start your own happiness project.

2. Texts from last night- I found this on twitter the other day, they also have a book and website. I am obsessed-- it cracks me up! People are ridiculous

About Texts From Last Night

Texts From Last Night (TFLN) was founded in February 2009 by two friends for reasons that may or may not include: the tendency to press send more easily as the night turns to morning, friends' social habits, disgraced government officials, exes, law school, closing down bars and leaving tabs open, general debauchery and/or a common disgust for all the negativity surrounding the 'sexting' phenomenon.

We prefer texts, not conversations. We reserve the right to post portions of conversations without duplicating the entire thing. It's not because the entire thing isn't funny, but the funniest texts are those we can all relate to, so without the context of the conversation, they become really funny.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 30: Getting to know you questions

25 Random Getting to Know you Questions

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
One side open and the other side shut. It all depends. I have never thought of it before.
2. Do you ever steal the shampoos and soaps from hotel rooms?
Of course I do. We stay in condo's for family vacation and the products they use are the same that you can buy in bath and body works. I love it! I only take it when we are staying someplace really nice. I don't take from the Holiday Inn. haha

3. Have you ever 'done it' in apublic before?
 I am not having sex until I am married, you silly questionaire... but someday.... just kiddin' (not really)

4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
No, in the town I grew up in there really were not that many sign that I can recall, never been interested in doing that.
5. Do you like to use post-it notes?
Not like. I LOVE them, I am a note fanatic! I like all different kinds except the basic yellow ones, for some reason I find the oppressive.
6. Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
I rarely cut coupons, but that is because I don't get the paper. My oldest sister is a coupon cuttin' fool, I get some from her and sometimes use them and sometimes forget.
7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a big swarm of bees?
 Honestly, scream my head off and cry.
8. Do you hate it when people wear socks with sandals?
More than you could ever know. There is just NO EXCUSE. JUST WRONG!

9. Do you always smile for pictures?
I do. I have a pose I always do. I smile and put one hand on my hip with my elbow arched, I read somewhere that it makes you look thiner. Anytime I don't smile in pictures I just look confused. I am just way to bubbly to try the pouty face. i look ridiculous

10. Have you ever taken pictures of yourself naked.
 No thank you. I see it every day and for right now, nobody else needs a peek at my goodies anyways.

11. What is your biggest pet peeve?
People being rude and disrespectful of others around them
12. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
OUT! I hate it when the sheets have you all trapped inside. I have to have one foot free. I have been like that since I was a baby

13. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
Such an odd question-- and I catch myself doing that sometimes. Touche' questionaire.
14. Have you ever peed in the woods?
I am from the country. Of course I have peed in the woods.
15. Have you ever hooked up with more than one person in a day?
No. Why is this quiz trying to make me look all skanky.

16. Do you chew your pens and pencils?
No, and I think it is disgusting when people do. Control yourslves people

17. Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
I don't know, but I freakin loved that show as a kid. After school PBS was the bomb!

18. Whats your favorite animal and why?
I really love fish. They are pretty, low maintence, and very interesting.
19. Do you like popcorn from those big tins?
I LOVE popcorn, but the stuff in the can is kind of weird to me. I HATE cheese, tolerate carmel, and love the buttter.

21. Would you ever tape yourself doing cartwheels?
If I could do a cartwheel without busting my pretty southern behind then maybe. i have terrible balance and get all wobbly.
22. What's your 'song of the week'?
TGIF- Katy Perry
Peacock- Katy Perry (WOB ANTHEMN 2010)
for some reason I have been feeling lady gaga as well
23. Is it ok for guys to wear pink?
A guy in a pink  dress shirt- Absolutely, A guy in a pink leotard- no
24. Do you still watch cartoons?
Not really. The last time a friend spent the night she made me watch cow and chicken with her, and i have to admit it was pretty cute.

25. What's your favorite scary movie?
I don't watch scary movies. i have way to active imagination for someone who lives by herself. no way!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 29: The Atan guide to beauty

As many of you know-- I love beauty products and read fashion magazines like it is a second job. If they would allow it, I would just live in Sephora. With this I always like to learn about new products that are both inexpensive and effective. Here is my guide to beauty products on the cheap--

1.Wet n Wild Liquid Felt Tip Eyeliner
    I have people ask me about how I do the wing-tip eyes. This is my secret to having the perfect cat eye (the little flip on the edge)  I use a regular pencil eyeliner for my entire eye then take the liquid felt tip and brush it out of the corner of my eye. It is less than $3 and it is water proof and lasts and lasts!

2.Colgate Wisps
    As someone who is obsessed with white teeth I am obsessed with these handy little brushes. I keep them in my purse and they are great to feel refreshed after a long day or before you meet up someone. I especially love the whitening ones. For a pack of 2 it is under $2. These make my teeth feel great and my mouth feel fresh!

3. Freeman's Clay Mask
    I love face masks. They make my skin feel so soft and pretty after I use it. I enjoy the Avacado and Oatmeal mask by Freemans. This brand is cheap, smells great, and is easy to use. Squeeze a small amount into your fingers apply to your face and let dry. After it drys simple wash your face. You can use it 2-3 times a week or a few times a year. The tube costs about $5 and last for a really long time.

4.Sephora Opi Nail Polish
    I enjoy painting my nails. It is something really easy that always makes me feel like a million bucks. I notice I stare at my hands more when I have my nails painted, but I am really picky about polish chipping or any snags. With my old cheapier polish I would have to take it off as soon as I had done it, because it would not last. Then during a trip to Sephora I found the nail polish series- OPI by Sephora. I have 3 of the colors in that series and LOVE them all! It goes on really well, and lasts for days. It is great! the colors and really beautiful and the names are so fun. If you go to sephora you can even try them on to test if you will like it. The colors I have are Rock his World ( my newest- which is a gorgeous maroon color- perfect for fall, a purple color  (forgot the name, but it was great for summer) and my FAVORITE a color called Metro Chic which is a grey. There is a picture of it below. It is a pretty neutral color and very fun. The cost of a bottle is $9, and it is WELL worth it! The bottle lasts a long time and the color actually stays on which means you don't have to redo them a million times.

5.Tresemme Fresh Start Frizz Control Creme
    I love everything from the Treseme new line of Fresh start products. My favorite is the Frizz control creme- it smells wonderful and makes my heart soft and frizz free. I apply it to my hair when wet and it dries very nicely. They also have waterless shampoos that are great. I have one for curly hair. I use it at the end of the day if my hair starts to get flat from a hard day-- you take a couple of pumps and apply it to the roots. It perks your hair up and smells like citrus. There is another frizz control spray by Tresemme that is nice as well. My friend Jessica used it and instantly noticed how soft her hair was. Each of these products is less than $5. 

6. A BIG happy smile
    The best advice to look great is to wear a big happy smile. It instantly makes you look younger, healthier, and more approachable. The musical Annie said it best in the song- You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile. So, enjoy the video and I hope you liked this installment of: Atan's Guide To Beauty

Day 28:A salute to the wobs!

I recently came across this poem by Holly Bass and it summed up my feelings about my best friends in college... I took her ideas and ran with it. Here is my salute to my Best pals and Friend Soul Mates the WOBS!

Here's to:

All those times we laughed so hard we cried
All those times we talked for hours about nothing and everything

All those times we sat in silence and it was OK

All those times we danced when one of us had a bad day.

All those times we went to your weddings! Or were in your wedding!

All those times I needed you there for me and you were, no matter what

All those times we went to Hong Kong Inn and Andy's

All those times we listened to Sexy Back!

All those times I could tell you anything!

All those times we went crazy

All those times we inspired each other not to do homework

All those times I  talked you guys into doing crazy things :)

All those times we got frustrated with each other, yet loved each other anyways

All those times we took pictures of yourselves wearing moustaches

All those times we made reasons to have a party and dance

All those times we watched movies or Conan in Meagan and Jessica's room

All those times we told people that Jessica was engaged

All those times we could vent to each other

All those times that we watched 'What not to wear and ate ice cream with peanut butter during our lunch dates

All those times we had inside jokes that make no sense to anyone else

All those times I we went to the Japanese Festival

All those times we gave people nicknames

All those times we dressed up for weird reasons and ran around campus

All those times we watched Meagan eat random food with chopsticks

All those times we yelled BENNY FRANKS or MAYBE down the hallway

All those times we would have to go out and eat after an terrible meal at the caf.

All those times we had WOB parties and gave each other underwear and bizarre gifts

All those times we wished we didn't have to leave one another
To my dearest WOBS-- I have so many great memories with you all. I thank God every day that he brought you each into my life. I know that I am my best when I am with you. With you all I can be fearless, ridiculous, vulnerable, and happy. Now, as we get older, get married, and move on with our lives I want you to know that you are always in my heart and on my mind. I constantly see things that make me think of you and all of the wonderful/ridiculous moments we shared. I can't wait to see you all again so I am taking this moment to reveal my new plan-- I am planning to see a WOB a month for the rest of the year. So, ladies lets get in touch and give me a preference of a month. I can't wait to see you all!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 27: 4 Little known Ashley Tanner facts

1. I hate too much ice. When putting ice in a glass they have to be all level, if it stick up over or when I put it up to my mouth and one sticks out above the rest, it has to be taken out. The follow below would never work.

2. I sometimes do voice overs for local advertisements-currently my voice is on several commercials airing in St. Roberts one of which is a weave shop.

3. I am a night owl. In college my normal bedtime was around 2-3am, which I guess is pretty common, but even now after being out of school for two years I still normally go to bed around midnight or 1a. For some reason when people find this out about me they always freak out. I can't help it. My mind comes alive at night, and I love going for a walk/run about 9 or 10. It helps me clear my head. I have some of my best work times really late at night-- but it has to hit before stupid o'clock when everything becomes WAY more funny than it would be during daylight. That is one thing I really miss about living in a dorm.

4. I love documentaries so much! I will watch documentaries about practically anything.Some of my favorites include- My date with Drew, the September Issue, and of course- Grey Gardens. Most recently I watched one called Google Baby on HBO, it was the story of surrogacy. A man went to the US to have the medical mixing done and then went to India to use these ladies as surrogates because it was cheaper. It was crazy to see how these women were treated and the process that they went through. I want to see that new documentary out- Babies, it looks sooo cute! I think I love documentaries so much because it forces you to look at the world in a different way-- a good one sticks with you.

This is from google baby

Ok loves-- that was 4 little known Ashley Tanner facts
Lots of love

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 26:Lighten up!

Today I woke up an my allergies were making me crazy! My eyes were burning, my throat felt dry, and my stomach was queezy. I had not slept well so I was still kind of tired and felt fluish. I hop out of bed and immediatly was running late for work. Normally I pick out my clothes for the next day the night before, but I was having one of those mornings where I couldn't decide what to wear or do with my hair. So, I just kind of threw it all together, not convinced it was cute but really needing to get to work. So, I finally get to the office and walk in to talk to Nathan for a minute when I look down and there is a 3-4 inch hile in the side of my pants. I was looking at my mid-thigh region-- What the What!?!

For once, my crazy girl scout kills came in handy, because I keep a min sewing kit in my desk. So, I go into the office bathroom and take my pants off to sew them. All of a sudden I catch a glimpse of myself. My hair all curly and crazy--glasses-- and I am standing in my underpants at work trying to pull myself back together. I just started laughing-- I am a MESS! I got the pants all fixed and continued my day, but that was pretty much how the day went.

Later in the day, a customer called wanting some specific info about his account, which I could not give him. I tried to explain this to him and he did not want to listen to what I had to say so I told him I would transfer him to someone else if that would make him any happier. So, I patched him to someone else and moved on with the project I was working on. About 10 minutes later I notice my phone is blinking with a message. I listen to it and all it says is-- You have got to F****** kiddin me? For some reason, that really cracked me up! I was sorry he was upset, but I am just perplexed why he left a message. If you were annoyed eithier hang up or leave an entire message for someone to respond to. I think my lack of sleep may have contributed to finding that humerous but none the less I got a big kick out of it.

Today's life lesson-- Lighten up! Sometimes we take ourselves too seriously. Not every decision is life or death and there are moments that we are all kind of a mess. People who appear to have it all probably have assistants or staff to make it all run that way, and at the end of the night they are just as crazed as the rest of us. Embrace the silly moments in life. Do your best and learn when to fight and when to just laugh it off. Here are two of the pictures I took of the whole morning ordeal with my phone. The first is my crazy patch job of my pants and the second is me smiling it out!

Lots of Love,

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 25: Things i love this week

1. For a work project I had to sign the company up for a twitter account. I had previously been very against twitter. I changed my mind as soon as I read Conan O'brien's tweets. They are amazing, and I was pretty sure I wanted to be his bff before-- but after this I am sure it is meant to be. Me and Coco BFF's

Wyclef Jean has filed papers to run for President of Haiti. If his politics are as good as his rapping on "Hips Don't Lie", Haiti is saved.

Looking forward to watching Mad Men tonight. Christina Hendricks is the second sexiest redhead in Hollywood. Congrats, Ron Howard!

Lebron tweeted that he remembers everyone who's done him wrong. Or more specifically, everyone who told him to grow an Abe Lincoln beard.

2. Katy Perry has a new cd out this week-- I love new music!

3. I know it is wrong, but I love Tosh.0. It makes me die laughing and even though he is a giant mess I think Daniel Tosh is so adorable! We had breakfast club in my office this week and watched the show, they LOVE it! So out of control, and entertaining as it gets.

4 I heard rumors that Dolly Parton is going to be in a movie and this is EPIC news. Her and Queen Latifah in a movie together-regardless of the plot line I would be there. No questions asked, just cinematic awesomeness!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day: 24 Orange Leaf & Fancy Cupcakes I love you!

Last week I went to Orange Leaf twice. It is frozen yogurt goodness! During my two visits I got the cheesecake, white chocolate,  strawberry, and mango flavor and then put walnuts, peanut butter cup, and strawberries on top. YUMMY!! The best was the mixture of the cheesecake and white chocolate-- it was DIVINE! Here are the girls that I got to share a good talk time and some GOOD treats!

Then yesterday, a co-worker and I were eating at Grad School- which was so good. I give it a thumbs up!  Afterwards I told her I want to go to THE CUP which is a new cupcake place in town. I can not begin to tell you how amazing my cupcake was. I got a confetti which is yellow cake and butter cream frosting with sprinkles. It was honestly the best cupcake I have ever eaten in my life. I bought one for my boss and he ate it on spot and was blown away. 

If you are looking for yummy cheap treats-- try these 2 Springfield gems of yummy sweetness!

Lots of Love

Day 23: Random Questions

 Random Questions:

How would you label yourself?
I feel I am a weird combination of things. I am too good of a girl to be normal and too mischiveous to be too goody good! So-- compliated. I am me.

Any Tattoo's/Piercings?
Just pierced ears

What event in your life made you cry the most?
I cry a lot. Probably-- my Grandpa Tanner dying or moving from Ellsinore, i have had a couple of really messy breakup situations. It is hard to say. 

Last time you were drunk?
I have honestly never been drunk.

What's your favourite smell?
I am obsessed with smells. I love the smell of gardenia,light blue by dolce and gabbana, bright crystal by versace. I like tons of men's colognes. There are several that make me freeze and just want to run up and sniff complete strangers. it's intense.

When did you wake up today?

Most regretted memory from the past 6 months?
We had a big event at work and I wore myself down. The day after i had a MAJOR meltdown. In hindsight I would have tried to manage things better and not get taken advantage of.

Best memory from the past 6 months?
My friend Lauren got married last month and all of the girls got together. That whole weekend was A-mazing. We laughed a lot, danced, and had the best time. I love those girls!

Do you have any love interests at the moment?

Where was your last date?
Let's not talk about it. FDR was the president... lets just leave it at that.

What's your favourite food?
I love chinese food, mexican food, and anything good and southern. My favorite food depends on my mood.

Have you ever gone to class drunk?
Of course not
Are you still friends with the people you knew in middle school or high school?
I am actually. I have some really great friends who I have known since I was a little kid.

Are you afraid of commitment?
honestly... a little. I hate loosing good options.

Are you hungry right now?
No, thanks. I ate a buritto about 3 hours ago.

Are you open and honest or do you tend to keep your feelings locked up?
A combination. I hate to talk about feelings, so I keep a lot of things under the surface but for things that are not super important you can read my feelings all over my face.

What's one of the dumbest things you've said?
That is hard to say. I constantly say thing that are ridiculous.

Plans for today?
Well, it is 10:30 at night so... finish watching this, read, and start the nightly routine of brushing my teeth and washing my face then to bed.

Lots of Love,

Sunday, August 22, 2010

day:22 Sunday Inspiration

Sunday's  Moments of Inspiration:
Today was a great day! Today I got to spend the whole day with my good pal Brittany. I woke up this morning and went with Brittany to Dr. Kelton's church. I had not seen him in several years and had a week off of church. It was such a great service-- then I saw a kid that I grew up with there. It was so crazy. After church we ate some tacos at my house, watched this RIDICULOUS movie with Esther Williams, and then hit the pool for a little while.  The sunshine and great company was great.

Recently, I have been doing a lot of thinking about my life. I have come up with a couple of points to work on and consider:

No woman is an island. We all need people to love us, and by being tough I have pushed away good people who want to help me and love me.

I need to find a way to meet people and become more involved with church and other organizations that I care about in a way that feels healthy. I want to give my heart to causes and people that I care about.

Investing in people is always a good choice. Events in the past couple of years have discouraged me from this practice, but it is essential to living a full and happy existence.

Below is a quote and graphic that I love!

Lots of love

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day:21 A great Saturday by Ashley Tanner

Today was a great Saturday. I woke up at 11:00a and watched the soup that I had DVR'ed from the night before and then ate a bite. After eating I went to the pool. Today was the PERFECT day to lay out. The sun was shining, and it was warm but a breeze kept it nice to lay out.

then I went to the library and got some music and read some magazines

then I did a litte shopping. Look at these 2 great pair of shoes I got for less than $10 a piece! How I love a good sale and coupons. We are in a recession people--gotta save a dollar!

I love Saturdays. They are such a great break in the week!
Tomorrow I am hanging out with my good friend Brittany.

Much love,
and yes that is my thumb-- i am still trying to figure out the camera on my phone. haha

Day 20: A look into my purse

A look into my purse: Today I cleaned out my purse and dumped it onto a towl. So, I figured this would be a good time to document into today's blog-- A look into my purse. It's a scary place to be.

A list of items-to explain the picture
  • Red wallet
  • Some bills/receipt
  • Sunglasses
  • Glade air freshners (I used them in my car)
  • Glasses
  • Lip gloss
  • Lotion
  • Eye liner marker
  • Ipod
  • Ticke to see "Up" in the park
  • Opi nail polish- rock his world
  • Camera
  • Pens
  • 2 different compacts
  • Gardenia body spray
  • Tide stick
  • Pink Lemonda packet
  • Beauty products from a spa party
  • Dolce and Gabbana light blue perfume
  • Flight of the Conchords cd
  • My phone (which I took this picture with

Thursday, August 19, 2010

day :19 a song that makes you want to cry

One of the 30 Challange ideas was a song that makes you want to cry. For me it is a songs that is sad, inspirational, and hauntingly beautiful all rolled into one.

Smile by Charlie Chaplin (this version is performed by the Glee cast)

The lyrics are below

Smile though your heart is aching

Smile even though it's breaking

When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by

If you smile through your fear and sorrow

Smile and maybe tomorrow

You'll see the sun come shining through for you

Light up your face with gladness

Hide every trace of sadness

Although a tear may be ever so near

That's the time you must keep on trying

Smile, what's the use of crying?

You'll find that life is still worthwhile

If you just smile

That's the time you must keep on trying

Smile, what's the use of crying?

You'll find that life is still worthwhile

If you just smile

So smile on my darlings-- Have a GREAT weekend. Enjoy the sun and last couple of weeks of summer adventures!

lots of love,

Day 18: Happy Birthday Lady Weinter--

August 18th is one of my best pals birthday! She is 25 and I want to give her a shout out today in a little section I will call-- 5 Video Memories- The Best Of Weinsey

1. Watching all of the ridiculous VH1 shows. Do you remember this clip? I bet we watched this clip of heather beating the jenkies out of Daisy at least 15 times.

2. As long as I live I will remember a couple of years ago when you came to see me for my birthday we were sitting in my living room watching Flight of the Conchords and this little treasure came into our lives. The episode was just going along and Sugar Lumps came on and we just sat there in AWE! Enjoy

3. One night (after fat Tuesday to be exact) the movie Steel Magnolia's came on tv and I made jessica watch it. She had never seen it before and I told her we HAD to watch it. So, we watched it and quickly realized that Claire and Weezer are me and Jessica in the future. I will be a classy southern smarty pants, and Jessica is gonna be a crazy old lady with a love for crazy hats and overalls. This clip is rather serious, but our favorite line is-- HIT WEEZER! Are you Crazy Claire. ENJOY!

4.All I am gonna say is-- HERRROOO ARRADDDINNN?

5. Remember that semester that we got back and did not leave your room until we had watched that entire season of the Office on dvd... I know your favorite part of the show so-- you are welcome

Happy Birthday Lady Weinter!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 17: I feel like I am taking crazy pills

So, today was quite a day. I  was literally moments away from having this kind of reaction today. I feel like I am taking crazy pills!

To give you a baby recap-- yesterday I got a phone call of people asking me if I was ok because the apartment right by mine- and yes I mean like 5 feet away was on fire. So, I rushed home and it was the complex in front of mine and the whole street was filled with cop cars and fire trucks. It was craziness!! They were out there for about 5 hours. Luckily no one was hurt, but it was super stressful!

There is an abundance of drama going on with my workplace and job and I am just over all the DRAMA! I like to joke about other people's drama and maintain my reality lovin  status, but I do not want to experience it myself. I don't like to talk about feelings, it makes me uncomfortable. Therefore i just hold it all in and something small sets the waterworks into motion.

Like today, I had a meeting to talk over a project that I have put a lot of work and creativity into. The meeting went so badly that I was rendered speechless. As you know, this does not happen often. I felt heartbroken that my efforts were not being valued and upset that I was called kiddo and verbally had someone pat my head and tell me to go to recess and let the big kids play by someone that i really respected. I am only 24, but I work really hard and put a 110% of myself in these projects. In order to pull this off I have consulted about 50 different websites, brainstormed with others working on these kinds of projects, and tried to think outside the box... to the point of even sketching things out to make sure my vision was clear. I just felt like after all that, my opinions and efforts would at least matter and be respected. So, we conclude the trainwreck of a meeting in stunned silence and I get in the car with my boss to head back to our office and he begins to tell me how well that all went. To which I respond-- Are you on crack? Then I give my take on what happened.  I know that I can be super intense so I try to reign it in, and I think for the most part I did a good job of that. Yes, I was being a little overprotective and yes I realize that rejection is apart of life, but this went beyond that. I kept it together and then walked in the door to tell Nathan about it.

 He spotted the crazy lady flash in my eye and ushered me in and I had a baby tear explosion/ranting. (As a side note: poor lil nathan has exprienced this from me more than once.  I really do appreciate his patience with me) I hate that when I get upset tears come, I try to be so tough, but I am a giant softy and sometimes I cry-its how i am put together.

I bucked up and finished the day with a bang. I think it all has just begun to take its toll on me. It has seemed more lately that I have been yelled at, falsely accused, and belittled so much and I am just exhausted of it,. These situations keep finding me and I am trying to look for the silver lining in it all that has escaped me. Tonight I just feel defeated and tired. I know that tomorrow is another day and I will greet it with a smile, but for now i can't help that I am ready for today to be over with and Wednesday to begin.

How do you deal with disappointment, anger, and frustration?

Well, my darlings I wish you a good nights sleep and lots of love!


Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 16: Salute to Beyonce

My FAVORITE BEYONCE SONG- Everytime me and the girls are all getting dressed this is a favorite.

Some favorite Beyonce quotes:
One of the things that kept me out of trouble was doing something creative - creativity can`t be judged.

You know what, I`m very attracted to someone who makes me laugh and is that charming. Really, I could be charmed by anyone. I`m just a sucker for somebody that is charming.

I think I like her so much because she is ridiculously talented but seems to be well rounded and has it all together.  A career she loves, a man who loves her, and loves Jesus!

Doesn't get much better than that!

Workin it like Beyonce!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 15: Sunday's Inspiration

This week's goal: To prioritize. Don't get stressed out about things that don't matter instead focus on building and maintaining great relationships. This week my plan is to find a hobby, get involved in some kind of class or bible study, find an extra activity to meet nice people and broaden my horizons. I have been saying this for a while, but this time I have put it on here so I feel like I need to make this happen. IF you have any ideas I would love suggestions.


Saturday, August 14, 2010


You ready to get the party started... get your dance on this ridiculous summer heat-- just don't know what to play how to make the "magic" happen.  This is the Ashley Tanner guide to getting your dance on. Some are new, some old, some ridiculous, but you play these songs and you WILL be dancing before you even realize what just happened. I have witnesses-- my mix tapes are LEGENDARY!

SONG                                 ARTIST                                                    ALBUM
Your Love Is My Drug              Ke$ha                                                  Animal

How Low (Remix)                   Ludacris [feat. Ciara & Pitbull]           Single

Rock That Body                     Black Eyed Peas                                  The Energy Never Dies

Commander                           Kelly Rowland (feat. David Guetta)     Single

Dynamite                               Taio Cruz                                                 Rokstarr

Tik Tok                                  Ke$ha                                                       Animal

California Gurls                       Katy Perry (feat. Snoop Dogg)            Single

DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love          Usher  (feat. Pitbull)                             Single

My Chick Bad                         Ludacris & Nicki Minaj                   Battle of the Sexes

Party In the U.S.A.                   Miley Cyrus Party In the U.S.A.             Single

Dirty Picture                            Taio Cruz & Ke$ha                         Rokstarr

Rude Boy                                Rihanna                                                     Rated R

Airplanes                                 B.o.B  (feat. Hayley Williams)                 Single

Teenage Dream                        Katy Perry                                              Single

All Eyes On Me                        Clipse  (feat. Kerri Hilson)                     Til the Casket Drops

Somebody to Love (Remix)       Justin Bieber  [feat. Usher]                 Single

Impossible                                Shontelle                                                  Single

Tambourine                               Eve                                                          Single

Elevator                                    Flo Rida (ft. Timbaland)                        Mail on Sunday

I could literally make a list about 9 miles long, but I will keep it short and sexy tonight. I think my second career should be as a DJ. I love good music and having a good time. Although, as recent wedding pictures from Lauren's reception reminded me-- I have a case of the dance face when I'm busting a move. I can not keep my face normal- I make this pouty face it is ridiculous! I blame not going to weddings or events with dancing in my youth, so everything I know about dancing comes from Soul Train on TV. You just gotta work it our! Enjoy friends and get cho' BIG!


This is a CALM version of the dance face! Yeah--