Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 3: Things that make me happy

I freakishly love making lists so it was not surprsing when a couple of years ago I started making lists of things that I love, things that I want to do, and quotes that make me feel warm and fuzzy. So today I would like to share my list of things that make me happy:

(They are in no particular order)
  • Bubble Baths
  • Fuji apples
  • Fish (aquariums)
  • New musicea
  • Daffodils
  • Christmas lights
  • Cherry blopops
  • Hayrides
  • hearing people geniunely laugh-- I think that is the best sound in the whole wide world!
  • Sephora (that store will revive any bad day. Take a spritz of designer perfume and pretty makeup the world looks a little brighter and a heck of a lot prettier)
  • Musicals
  • Movie nights with the girls-- which I do not get to do nearly enough for my taste.
  • Popcorn
  • Argyle anything
  • Dance parties and karoke
  • Nicknames-giving them especially
  • Soft pillows and warm blankets
  • Eating with chopsticks
  • Manicures/ Pedicures/Massages- there is something about someone else taking care of you in a way that you don't that just feels good.
  • Jesus in a locket
  • My quote book
  • Pretty much anything involving Dolly Parton
  • Windy days- For some reason windy days always make me feel mischivious.
  • Happy hour at sonic- Strawberry sprites how I love you so
  • Reading magazines at Barnes and Noble
  • Asian Food/A burrito- I know these things are very different but they both make me feel good in my tummy.
  • Southern people
  • Sunshine-going to the pool
  • Fresh pineapple
  • Realizing that your friends are just the best ever!
  • I am a very  happy and blessed young lady!

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