Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 6:My week review in pictures.

Last weekend Fri-Sun I spent with some of my favorite girls in the whole world to celebrate my dearest Lauren's wedding. So, here are some of my favorite pictures from the most recent WOB wedding extravaganza. Then when I got back I got to go swimming with my niece and nephew. So-- ladies and gents this is my week in pictures.

I got my nails did and took a minute to take some reaction shots with my BFF

Holy face.

Whatever you call this face. SO-- attractive!

I got to spend some time with my Meggie-- Aw, we look so sweet!

While we had a little free time before the wedding I took time to make a new friend. His name is Kansas

Of all the ridiculous pictures we have ever taken together this might just be my favorite!
It makes me laugh everytime I see it!

Me and the beautiful bride! She looked just perfect in her dress!

Had my picture taken with some stuffed bears at the wedding location.

That is what you get for trying to get a 2 year old
to hold still so you can take her picture. I just love my
sweet little buddy!
I Seriously love this face.

Got to go swimming with my niece and nephew.
Look at how cute lil Aiden is. ADORABLE.

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