Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 27: 4 Little known Ashley Tanner facts

1. I hate too much ice. When putting ice in a glass they have to be all level, if it stick up over or when I put it up to my mouth and one sticks out above the rest, it has to be taken out. The follow below would never work.

2. I sometimes do voice overs for local advertisements-currently my voice is on several commercials airing in St. Roberts one of which is a weave shop.

3. I am a night owl. In college my normal bedtime was around 2-3am, which I guess is pretty common, but even now after being out of school for two years I still normally go to bed around midnight or 1a. For some reason when people find this out about me they always freak out. I can't help it. My mind comes alive at night, and I love going for a walk/run about 9 or 10. It helps me clear my head. I have some of my best work times really late at night-- but it has to hit before stupid o'clock when everything becomes WAY more funny than it would be during daylight. That is one thing I really miss about living in a dorm.

4. I love documentaries so much! I will watch documentaries about practically anything.Some of my favorites include- My date with Drew, the September Issue, and of course- Grey Gardens. Most recently I watched one called Google Baby on HBO, it was the story of surrogacy. A man went to the US to have the medical mixing done and then went to India to use these ladies as surrogates because it was cheaper. It was crazy to see how these women were treated and the process that they went through. I want to see that new documentary out- Babies, it looks sooo cute! I think I love documentaries so much because it forces you to look at the world in a different way-- a good one sticks with you.

This is from google baby

Ok loves-- that was 4 little known Ashley Tanner facts
Lots of love

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