Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 9: Phone dates and personal dance parties

So, in the last two days I have had some great phone dates with some of my favorite people on the planet. Thanks to Laura, Matt, and Jessica for the phone dates. I love you crazy kids! You love me in spite of my crazy ramblings and over achiever planning skills. You are the wind beneath my wings... haha

Today I was working on this ridiculous project trying to tie up about 100 different ends when I thought I needed to hear one of my favorite jams-- Ain't trippin by Cherish. This girl group seriously rocks my face off. They have not put out any new music in 2 years and my heart cries a little. Everytime I hear this song I ain't trippin or killa I dance like a crazy lady. Any of you who have ever spent much time with me can attest to this fact. These two songs are my jams! So, I go to youtube to listen to it/wonder if there is a video when I find this treasure below. It is my song only with the speed enhanced to make them sound like chipmunks. I listened to it and seriously could not stop smiling. It makes me want to laugh and shake my groceries all at the same time. It made me instantly feel less stressed and laugh at how silly my stress was. I love chipmunk voices, they are so ridiculous but the always make me happy. It makes me think of these tapes that my family had when I was a kid. It was the chipmunks singing old hymns. My sisters and I listened to them like crazy, so when I hear stuff like that it brings me back to a happy place. So friends, check out this song and get up and dance a little. Go on-- do a litle shimmey and know I am somewhere doing the same.

Much love,

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